Soul's Buddha Bowl

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4.64 (17)

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#EveryEffortCount #6/365 #65
Ingredients:-Quinoa, turmeric cauliflower, roasted root vegetables, edamame, purple cabbage, tofu,

chickpeas, tomato mushroom beetroot hummus.
Love the quinoa texture, the yummy beetroot hummus and the tomatoes 🥳 everything was so good! I prefer roasted chicken pea but not so healthy haha!
If you drop by this is a must to try 🥳

Wholesome Buddha Bowl with a generous portion. Quinoa base with purple cabbage, edamame, chickpeas, cherry

tomatoes, tofu, turmeric cauliflower, roasted potato and carrot topped off with beetroot hummus. Enjoyed the warm, soft roasted potato, cauliflower and tofu contrasted with the cold veggies. A little dry but very nutritious.

A beautifully-presented buddha bowl. Food was very basic (for example, cherry tomatoes, edamame and chickpeas

are unseasoned) but clean and filling. Hummus was very garlicky, no hint of beetroot despite the colour. Appreciate that this was served in a proper ?ceramic dish instead of disposable paper bowls (like what so many other grain/salad bowl shops are doing)

Huge dollop of beautiful and naturally pink-hued hummus! Made with organic chickpeas, beetroot, tahini, extra

virgin olive oil, and sea salt. Really loved the beetroot hummus which was creamy and savoury despite being allium-free and lower in oil. The quinoa bowl came with large variety of ingredients - turmeric cauliflower, roasted potato and carrot, tofu, chickpeas, edamame, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, purple cabbage, and lettuce. The tofu and chickpeas seemed a bit plain and unseasoned but everything tasted great when mixed with the hummus. (Allium-free, $10.90)

Would not recommend this bowl from The Plant Food. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t

bad. But I am pretty sure they have way better food on their menu! What’s up with this dish? Way too many things going on in my opinion. There are too many ingredients, which, taken alone, are mostly good/nicely prepared, but which were not meant to be put together, it seems. There is quinoa, edamame, chickpeas, potatoes, pumpkin (I think), red cabbage, mushrooms, cauliflower and cherry tomatoes, (loads of) tofu, plus beetroot hummus in the middle. When I say things don’t get on well in the plate, I mean that the cauliflower was for instance cooked in turmeric and lime I think, which had no business next to the other ingredients I’d say. Most ingredients felt a bit bland (while I’m usually the unseasoned veggie enthusiast). Additionally, another downside was that the dish was too dense (too many grains and not enough light/leafy/juicy veggies) and too dry: even though the hummus serving is quite big, it isn’t quite a sauce but rather a dip, and there is no further dressing. I think just some lime juice would have made a great difference! $10.90 for a filling but a bit disappointing plate.
I would not have this again, but would be curious to try less fancy looking and maybe better designed dishes from the tiny restaurant, which staff is super nice btw! My piece of advice here: head to The Plant Food but give another dish a try!!

Visually appealing and uses colourful healthy ingredients in this bowl. Love the beetroot hummus

and it goes very well with the ingredients. Quinoa is used in this bowl and is rich in both fiber and protein. A bowl full of protein from chickpeas, hummus, quinoa, edamame and cauliflower. Healthy and yet tasty. You will not want to miss a bowl full of wholesome ingredients! Must try 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🌱.

🍲 Such an apt name. Feed my soul! Along with my tastebuds and eyes. I

love how they take the effort to cook the beetroot and add it to the hummus for an eye catching colour (and added nutrients!) Everything around is either lightly seasoned, roasted to compliment the hummus. Hummus taste oil free, but probably need TPF to confirm. Lots of potential to build up the hummus portfolio, e.g. sundried tomato, jalapeno, bluepea flower. Hope TPF looks into it~ 🥰

please excuse the messy presentation here as I brought my own container for BYO and

only snapped a pic after I got home 😂 comes with a generous portion of beetroot hummus which pairs well with the more plain ingredients like the quinoa. overall, a very filling and healthy dish!

The beetroot hummus is surprisingly good. Very little mushrooms though.

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