Post by vikas

photo shared by @vikas on  07 May 2024 - post

Hey all, thought I’d drop this question to hear your thoughts. My question is about behavior change.

Our goal has been to create a community that influences many people, a billion people, to go vegan. To make things like their health, caring for animals and nature part of their everyday lifestyle.

Have we created such a platform? What can we do to reach this goal faster?

Please share your thoughts! Thank you!!

fulfilling I have learned a lot from this platform. At this moment, I remembered @veganadam who introduced me to @seashepherd & its work. I went on to watch its movie & dedicated an amount of my reviews to fund its project.

I remembered you recommending Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zone documentary & I went to watch it.

I discovered so much delicious vegan food which I never knew existed because of this platform-members sharing their discoveries.

I know one who is transiting to being vegan. It is so warm heartening to know that this person received the much needed support here.

abillion has definitely created a community that support people to go vegan. 16 likesReply
vikas Thank you! How do we scale it to more people?6 likesReply
udeshs To broaden our app's appeal and draw in more users, we should consider diversifying the platform beyond veganism. Introducing interactive games that generate revenue, with proceeds donated to animal sanctuaries, can raise awareness and encourage participation. This could foster a community where people interested in animal welfare can engage while also showcasing vegan food posts.9 likesReply
vikas Thank you for such a thoughtful comment 🌞2 likesReply
veganvanman Hmm i think about this alot. You see I, like many was not always vegan, and so what made me and my wife switch, could we have done it without supporting each other? I now work with children, and I think experience has shown me that influence can shape the way we understand our surroundings, culture and lifestyle. Education is key at a young age but as an educator it is our job to give the primary learning years the right path to learn kindness, how to practice good social play, manners and to understand there own emotions and that it is ok to explain how they they feel to us if they can. It can be frustrating sometime when you feed the children parent supplied meals, how do we start a conversation about what healthy should be? So I think as adults we have to understand our roots, where did all this start, I learnt from my parents, I just accepted what I was given. So without babling to much and get to the point of answering your question; As an adult now, I believe I could have been given a choice if there was education and opportunity for me to be told, I mean an an age generally a child can understand and would agree cruelty is not a good choice. When we give candy to a baby, try taking that away and see what happens, there is not much difference in that baby becoming an adult, its what they know. I think this app will intrigue more people with the reviews of awesome food, created by awesome people. This community shows the same behaviour we knew as children effectively, positive social behaviour because we all understand the goal here, we are all educated to a point we are at different points of being in this lifestyle. I think more beople would be intrigued about a platform where we can practice sharing and kindness because we are all wanting the same thing. Hate can be so easily manifested given the wrong message, and has proven on many platforms. Maybe some clever guerilla advertising or marketing to get more people drawn to abillion, educate in a way this modern age can but without the fake image of the other campaigns most of the non vegans cannot see through, we have the chance to be transparent and say this is our clean message, no bs here, hop aboard and share your food, experiences and socialize with friends alike. I really like this app, i think it is doing a fine job of just that. But yes seperate campaigns to get people here or use it more is the goal.13 likesReply
vimauro Well said!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 bravo!6 likesReply
vikas Thank you so much for this!3 likesReply
vimauro OK! I think about this a lot as well! I know that sometimes I am harsher with my criticisms, but if we are talking about Veganism and we want to publicise and exchange our opinions, experiences, criticisms, ideas and thoughts, we must be careful in sending the correct message. We know that many are here just to raise funds for the Sanctuaries and/or NGOs of their choice, many even give up saying there is no transparency and that the funds raised are not passed on to them, but I know that the Amounts I earned in the challenges they received!
Whatever, the key word is transparency and looking for Vegan companies or even entities that have content that can support this cause and leverage the platform, with some encouragement from both sides.8 likesReply
vikas Thank you for being here 🌞3 likesReply
vimauro 💚🌱 it’s a pleasure! Thanks for such a great app!
#abillionfamily #abillionlove #abillionworld 👍🏻🫶🏻4 likesReply
mikekenn The first thing I would say is you need to get sponsorships from renowned health experts like Dr Michael Klaper, Dr John McDougall, and Dr Michael Greger. These guys are highly respected, and they are well known influencers in the health and nutrition space. If they came to abillion to promote plant based eating options, I think it would benefit the community here and promote growth.

Also, provide some more incentives for vegan restaurant owners to use this platform too. Can business owners upload their entire menu of vegan items? I sometimes ask vegan restaurant owners if they use the abillion app and usually they never even heard of it 😐 that's a missed opportunity in my book.11 likesReply
vikas Thank you these are great suggestions3 likesReply
veronicagroen The App don't lack influencers for animals, health or the environmental. We lack visibility, but I know visibility needs capital and capital don't grow at the speed of mushrooms.

Just an example, The Plant Show here in SA will start shortly, Champion people, let's try and get visibility, get @abillion representatives and the sanctuaries to make an appearance, this will serve both abillion and sanctuaries, It will also illustrate unity, but again this will need some funds.

Reach out to producers to add the abillion logo on packaging.

Tbh, I joined abbilion for one reason, animals. By fighting for animals, everything else benefit, like the environment. We have a lot of good influencers on this App but we lack awareness. The world is changing. To be noticed will mean we will have to be there and keep up.

I can not criticise you on anything as the App cater to my needs, to me, I enjoy every bit of it and it's members, but we need to be the change out there and not just in here. 9 likesReply
udeshs This is a great idea..would love to see abillion at the plant based show!!5 likesReply
franvegg It would help A LOT to make posts shareable across platforms. I found mi self many times making instagram posts with a screenshots from abillion and placing a link over the pic… and it’s just not as fast nor appealing. That would make a huge difference I think. 10 likesReply
al-ma Credo che pubblicare ricette sia utile in quanto dimostra che la cucina vegana 🌱 può diventare accattivante ed appetitosa e coinvolgere aziende, ristoranti, gastronomie del settore che promuovano scelte vegane 🥗 7 likesReply
marabasso Thank you Vikas for this opportunity to share our thoughts, I appreciate it very much.

The italian Santuario Capra Libera Tutti 🐐 and Rifugio Miletta 🦌 introduced me to Abillion. I remember a Neswletter in which everything these associations were able to do, thanks to Abillion donations, was explained.
This had a HUGE RESONANCE! 📣
Even today, Abillion appears frequently in association posts, and this attention should not fade. Those who wish to support their cause will be encouraged by them to join the Abillion community.

You could advertise a vegan product by asking the community to post recipes in which that product is used. This could be of interest to the manufacturing companies💰but, also to the Abillion community as data users.

I am not a frequent restaurant goer (as I love to cook) but, one could think of a recognition, like Michelin stars, for the most vegan friendly or the most reviewed, asking them to show the logo, a sticker, of Abillion at the entrance.

Abillion is a valuable reality that deserves to be shared as much as possible. The word needs to be spread so that more and more people are interested in supporting Abillion's causes and content.10 likesReply
vimauro 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻4 likesReply
vikas Thank you 😊 2 likesReply
veganvanman Maybe a section where people can scan a product under the app and it brings our reviews up, like amazon when you scan with app it brings up if it sells it. Maybe it would encourage more user interaction.5 likesReply
vikas That’s a great idea. We’ve thought about product scanner and since we have so many images it’s definitely something we can do. How will this drive behavior change?2 likesReply
veganvanman Well i think we panic when we leave our mobile devices now, even if it's in our wrong pocket we are tapping like we forgot our wallet. So if people naturally shop with their devices, naturally they would use it to their advantage. The amount of times i've used a vegan scanner app and it come back with item not found, is frustrating and a waste of my time. But yea how do we get new vegans and help non vegans switch. Maybe a deal with the supermarket chains to see if they would update their shelf price tags with a barcode with something on the line of 'scan here for rewards' maybe an introductory incentive for downloading the app and uploading their 1st review. We all want convenience and in this day and age the average digital user has no patience to figure out what the message is. A simple approach, advertise a campaign and educate what should be the new normal. People love incentives.3 likesReply
veganvanman Also a way of promoting that if you order from certain restaurants, that if you give a review of that dish you get a percentage of your bill. I've always felt as a somewhat underpaid job but overpay -healthy change vegan foods, that we never get a break for helping for good change. Like you can get rebates from government for going electric vehicles, but come shopping everyone knows we have to pay more for less, this is not a fad, I think we would get more switch if people knew that it was better for their wallet too ? 4 likesReply
vikas Great points. @dafnelately remember our discussion about opting in for discounts3 likesReply
antonellaboschi Io penso che amare la natura, in modo particolare gli animali, sia una cosa “innata” quindi il modo migliore perché altre persone comprendano l’importanza di questo pensiero, sia dare il buon esempio nel rispettare sempre tutto e tutti 🌱💚
Gentilezza e rispetto non dovrebbero mai mancare! ❤️4 likesReply
vikas Thank you Antonella 🌞3 likesReply
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