Ultimate Vegan Breakfast: Flavor-Packed Tofu Chickpea Scramble Recipe

@therusticvegan profile image

Tofu chickpea scramble

Tofu Chickpea Scramble


Breakfast: either you do it or you don't. Personally, I don't do breakfast but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good one every so often. Foods that we associate with breakfast are now creeping into lunch and dinner. That's why I decided to create a recipe for those of us that love their eggs in the morning.

We all love eggs until we have a great awakening. For me, that was two years ago when I became vegan; when I began to understand how certain foods that we're told are good for us are in reality really damaging to our health. Now I know eggs are one of those foods we have to stay away from. So today I've replaced eggs with this beautiful tofu chickpea scramble. It's quick and easy to make and has so much more flavor and nutrition than eggs could ever have!

Tofu, originating from ancient China during the Han Dynasty, is a versatile and nutritious plant-based protein made from soybeans. Its journey from East Asia to kitchens worldwide has cemented its status as a staple in vegan and vegetarian diets. Known for its ability to absorb flavors and its high protein content, tofu serves as an excellent substitute for eggs in dishes like our tofu chickpea scramble. Embracing tofu not only enhances the taste and nutritional value of meals but also supports a sustainable and compassionate lifestyle.

Tofu Chickpea Scramble Recipe

Serves: 2
Active Time: 15 minutes



  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1/3 cup nutritional yeast
  • Pink salt & pepper to taste


  1. First, drain the tofu, chop it into sections and put a heavy pan on top for a half hour to remove excess water.
  2. Cook onions on medium heat for 5 minutes then add the garlic, mushrooms, and bell peppers.
  3. Cook for another 5 minutes and then add tofu, chickpeas, lime juice, liquid aminos and cook more. Crumble the tofu while adding to the pan for an egg-like texture.
  4. Add the spices into the mix and continue to cook until liquid is cooked out.
  5. It should really start to come together, remove from heat and serve with toast, ketchup, avocado, whatever you desire!

Tips & Tricks

  1. Press the Tofu: Ensure to press the tofu well to remove excess water. This helps achieve a firmer texture.
  2. Adjust the Spices: Feel free to adjust the spices to your taste preference. Add more smoked paprika for a smoky flavor or turmeric for a vibrant color.
  3. Marinate the Tofu: For deeper flavor, marinate the tofu in liquid aminos and spices for at least 30 minutes before cooking.
  4. Add Veggies: Incorporate other veggies like spinach, kale, or tomatoes for added nutrition and variety.
  5. Serve Suggestions: Serve with a side of toast, avocado slices, or even in a wrap for a delicious breakfast burrito.


  1. Spicy Tofu Chickpea Scramble: Add a diced jalapeño or some hot sauce for a spicy kick.
  2. Cheesy Tofu Chickpea Scramble: Sprinkle some vegan cheese on top and let it melt into the scramble for a cheesy delight.
  3. Herb-Infused Scramble: Add fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, or basil for a fresh, herbaceous twist.


After being vegan for two years I can't say there's a food from my prior life that I miss anymore. This dish is a great example of using plant-based ingredients for a fresher, better take on a traditional dish. Enjoy this tofu chickpea scramble as a hearty breakfast, lunch, or dinner and savor the incredible flavors and nutrition it offers!

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@lou profile image
wow this looks amazing!
@herbimetal profile image
Awesome! I love having this at home. Even just the tofu itself without additional mushrooms etc is really yummy and nutritious when combined with the spices
@waisum profile image
@jasonb01 you gotta save this and try it sometime 😄
@jasonb01 profile image
Thanks, it looks delicious. I have a block of tofu in the fridge ready for my next recipe. This could be it!!
@waisum profile image
Nice, have fun cooking! 👨🏻‍🍳
@malaff profile image
Made it today and delicious 😊😋 approved by a vegan and non-Veg!
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