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770Reviews & Posts
photo of Brunch & Cake Green Sandwich shared by @sara18 on  09 May 2024 - reviewphoto of Brunch & Cake Green Sandwich shared by @sara18 on  09 May 2024 - review

Very filling vegan sandwich. It has avocado, tofu, beetroot, mushrooms, onion and rocket salad. The blue dots in the plate i think are vegan butter.
It is one of the only vegan options in this café. The price is 12.90€

#vegansandwich more

udeshs Wow!!! Looks amazing..the restaurant has a nice setup.3 likesReply
photo of Brunch & Cake Cappuccino shared by @sara18 on  09 May 2024 - reviewphoto of Brunch & Cake Cappuccino shared by @sara18 on  09 May 2024 - review

Normal decaf cappuccino. Sadly the machine wasn’t working so it was powder coffee.

They have coconut and oat milk for an additional 20cents😢

The menu has a few vegan options although less than i expected.

The place more

photo of Ristorante Pizzeria Boccaccio Gnocchi Ricardino shared by @sara18 on  09 May 2024 - review

Super tasty plate of gnocchi! It is very creamy and the taste is quite nice.

Although the plate at first looks small, it is very filling.

The menu has quite a lot of vegan options and very well marked.

The price was more

udeshs 😋 😋 😋 😋 2 likesReply
photo of Be happy Super Crepre shared by @sara18 on  22 Mar 2024 - review

Happy to find more vegan options on the city 🥰 and so tasty!!

It costs 12.45€ and it comes with ice cream, frute and an extra dose of vegan white chocolate.

It is huge and it was difficult for me to finish, but very more

sush-vegsta Omg I need to come to Las Palmas just for this!3 likesReply
troosti Me too 🤤Reply
photo of Be happy Gofres Veganos shared by @sara18 on  20 Mar 2024 - review

Happy to find more vegan options on the city 🥰 and so tasty!!
It costs 8.50€ and it comes with ice cream and frute!

The menu is super well marked and it explains what is vegan and what can be made vegan.
It also has quite more

tamiapple Oh yum 🧇💕Reply
photo of Be happy Crepe De Nutella shared by @sara18 on  20 Mar 2024 - review

Happy to find more vegan options on the city 🥰 and so tasty!!
It costs 5.90€ and you can add ice cream and frute for an extra 1€ each.

The menu is super well marked and it explains what is vegan and what can be made vegan. more

azabachepeluda Wooww! Parece enorme! Que rico 🤤 4 likesReply
sara18 Siiii! Es una buena porción 😋 y tengo ganas de la próxima vez añadirle helado y fresas😍4 likesReply
david- Huuuuge!!!4 likesReply
appleappleamanda looks epic!3 likesReply
photo of Heura Jamón York shared by @sara18 on  04 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Heura Jamón York shared by @sara18 on  04 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Heura Jamón York shared by @sara18 on  04 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Heura Jamón York shared by @sara18 on  04 Feb 2024 - review



Por fin he encontrado el jamón york de Heura💃
Es bastante impresionante lo que han conseguido. Tanto la textura, como el sabor se parece un montón a lo que yo recuerdo.
Lo he probado solo, en pizza y en sándwich. Cómo more

javisanx Pienso lo mismo, no necesito este sabor ya en mi vida pero me puede solucionar una cena.1 likeReply
photo of Lavaysalt Cappuccino shared by @sara18 on  03 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Lavaysalt Cappuccino shared by @sara18 on  03 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Lavaysalt Cappuccino shared by @sara18 on  03 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Lavaysalt Cappuccino shared by @sara18 on  03 Feb 2024 - review

Cappuccino descafeinado con leche de soja.
Tienen varias opciones de leches vegetales, pero todas con un suplemento de 30 centimos🥲
Al café puedes añadirle cacao o canela. Yo le añadí cacao.
Quitando el extra por la leche more

photo of Lavaysalt Cookie Chocolate Y Nueces shared by @sara18 on  03 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Lavaysalt Cookie Chocolate Y Nueces shared by @sara18 on  03 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Lavaysalt Cookie Chocolate Y Nueces shared by @sara18 on  03 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Lavaysalt Cookie Chocolate Y Nueces shared by @sara18 on  03 Feb 2024 - review

Descubrir sitios con opciones veganas siempre es una alegría.
Esta cafetería tiene varios dulces veganos (tartas, galletas, bizcochos). La galleta de chocolate y nueces me gustó mucho. Tengo ganas de volver para probar more

photo of Bo de debò macarrones boloñesa vegetal shared by @sara18 on  01 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Bo de debò macarrones boloñesa vegetal shared by @sara18 on  01 Feb 2024 - review

Bo de debò

Un producto rico para sacarte de un apuro. Yo lo compré porque estaba con descuento y quería probarlo.
Me costó 2€ y lo compré en Carrefour.

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