Post by abillion

Big news, bigger impact!
Starting January, we're turning compassion into action by rewarding our top Impact Champion every week so they can donate to their favorite non-profit.

But wait, there's more! We're going BIG on the 1st week of January – selecting 10 top members on the Impact Leaderboard each empowered with US $100 to support their chosen cause. This new Giving Program is open to all so make your choice count 🙌

How to be an Impact Champion you ask? It’s very straightforward. The more you inspire others to choose vegan with your reviews, engagement and invitations to abillion the better is your impact score.

More details about the Impact Leaderboard here:

georgina722 🥰3 likesReply
littlebuckets Love this❤️🌱3 likesReply
alessiadb So donations are back? I've read they were suspended from August. Thank you7 likesReply
alistar I’ve been donating regularly. 1 likeReply
alessiadb Yes me too but in an email on August they said donations are blocked. You can donate but they wouldn't been sent ATM.3 likesReply
abillion @alessiadb @alistar @paologemma donations are back indeed! Thanks to the new Giving Program we kicked off start of Jan. Weekly US $1000 open to all non-profits. As for our existing impact partners we would still need to raise more funding from investors to pay outstanding contributions. The team is working tirelessly on this. Thank you all for being here 🧡3 likesReply
abillion @paolinasw @beckyyy @julem thank you for sharing your insights. We hope this helps with any Qs you had. Your valuable contributions to the abillion community never go unnoticed 🙏2 likesReply
vimauro 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻✊🏻✊🏻3 likesReply
paologemma I’m also wondering if donations are back or the money will be still withheld? Please advise thanks4 likesReply
alistar Ive been donating regularly and never stopped. 2 likesReply
paologemma As @alessiadb rightly said, donations never stopped from us. It’s the disbursement to the sanctuaries that was stopped starting from August 2022. We all received an email about it. After we haven’t got any further communication about it. 3 likesReply
onehungryvegan A lot of good organizations have been removed 😢1 likeReply
paologemma Oh, I haven’t noticed that3 likesReply
abillion @onehungryvegan Our partnerships have always been dynamic. If one of our partners dropped off it means we haven't been able to get in touch with them but the good news is that with the 2024 Giving Program any non-profit can benefit from donations when chosen by our great weekly Impact Champions 💪1 likeReply
alistar Can anyone else in the UK see the impact leaderboard in UK or anywhere else? I have the tab and can select Uk or other places but nothing shows. I don’t have an update either and been checking for ages. 2 likesReply
paologemma I live in Hong Kong and can’t see it either3 likesReply
alistar Ok thank you. Maybe it’s only being revealed to everyone from tomorrow then?2 likesReply
lil-chickpea I can see the leaderboards for all the countries. 3 likesReply
alistar Hmmm. Strange. I hope they fix that soon. 3 likesReply
alistar Thank you. 2 likesReply
danielgl I am in Spain, can't see it either 🤷🏻‍♂️3 likesReply
alistar Thanks. Good to know it’s not just me. It would be fun to see so it’s a shame. C’est la vie! 3 likesReply
danielgl I agree!! 🤷🏻‍♂️3 likesReply
alistar Hi again. Niran advised to clear your history on Safari or internet browser, then log out and in again to fix the issue. I also had to restart my phone and now I can see the top 9 in each country. I hope it works for you! 2 likesReply
alistar Hi again. Niran advised to clear your history on Safari or internet browser, then log out and in again to fix the issue. I also had to restart my phone and now I can see the top 9 in each country. I hope it works for you! 1 likeReply
paologemma I haven’t cleared my browser history but logging out and in did the work. Thanks for the advice 3 likesReply
abillion @veganniran thank you for helping out with this one 🤗2 likesReply
paolinasw Trovo superfluo tutto ciò, quando è invece fondamentale ripristinare le donazioni ai santuari. Io non recensisco più da agosto, da quando avete dichiarato che le donazioni sono state sospese e continuerò a stare ferma fino a quando non troverete il modo di donare ai santuari, che è lo scopo principale della app. 6 likesReply
alistar I keep donating regularly. I think that was just a temporary glitch. 1 likeReply
paolinasw No, fino a che non trovano nuovi investitori e trovano soldi, le donazioni sono sospese. Le calcolano come donati ma non vengono donati, si accumulano e verranno dati quando ci saranno i soldi. Ormai sono 4 mesi che è così. 3 likesReply
alistar Ouch. Ok I see. Thanks. 1 likeReply
lizmaselli As a sanctuary partner myself donating to sanctuaries isn't entirely what this @abillion is about. It's a vegan resource guide, A network, vegan market place and community. It's a way to promote vegan businesses and products and help create a huge map of vegan dishes across the world. It's an added bonus to donate to sanctuaries because the company is kind🥰6 likesReply
alistar Yes I agree. I’ll still review and donate in the hopes at some point the donations will be made again. It’s an invaluable resource to vegans everywhere finding restaurants and products. It’s so amazing! #abillionlove 2 likesReply
beckyyy While I 100% agree that this app now has a lot of value as a resource both to vegans and those looking to make more compassionate choices, many of us (most?) initially joined this app and have spent a lot of time generating its content for the purpose of making donations to sanctuaries and organizations we want to support. It has been several months since we’ve received the alert regarding the pause in donations being distributed; could we please receive an update regarding this?

Abillion is amazing in that it gives us power to make donations in this way and I truly appreciate this app and the team members efforts. Since we are all owners of the app through the equity distributed, full transparency regarding donation statuses would be appreciated. 11 likesReply
paolinasw 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 esattamente!4 likesReply
paologemma Totally agree. Well said @beckyyy 3 likesReply
beckyyy @abillion would you please give us an update regarding distribution of donations? If this info has been posted and I missed it I apologize; I can’t seem to find anything. Thank you! 2 likesReply
valedv Esatto, io come te! Sono ferma perché il mio scopo e’ aiutare i santuari! 2 likesReply
danielgl Can't see the impact leaderboard yet, in Spain.2 likesReply
alistar Hi again. Niran advised to clear your history on Safari or internet browser, then log out and in again to fix the issue. I also had to restart my phone and now I can see the top 9 in each country. I hope it works for you! 1 likeReply
ministerstwofalafela Great news!2 likesReply
julem Nessuna novità per quanto riguarda le donazioni? È da un po’ che non si sa più niente, io continuo a fare recensioni sperando che prima o poi la situazione si sblocchi…ma sinceramente mi sta passando la voglia @abillion-equity 3 likesReply
paolinasw Le donazioni sono ferme. Vengono conteggiate (x un eventuale futuro) ma non vengono monetizzate ai santuari 😥. Se leggi poco più sopra la risposta di Lizmaselli pare che adesso le donazioni siano una cosa in più, ma non lo scopo dell app..... io in realtà l avevo scaricata proprio perché era lo scopo principale.... o forse avevo capito male io un anno e mezzo fa.... 2 likesReply
valedv Stessa cosa io, lo facevo per aiutare i santuari! Ma quindi non ci sono più le donazioni ai santuari? So che erano state bloccate ma poi? Reply
paolinasw Si, ancora bloccate e non si sa se verranno ripristinate.... io ormai continuo a fotografare cibi e piatti, ma se non si dona più ai santuari non ho interesse ad utilizzare questa app1 likeReply
julem Scusate le donazioni sono bloccate da agosto 22 o 23? Reply
miocillo0 Da agosto '23. Dovresti avere ricevuto una mail all'indirizzo associato al tuo account Abillion.Reply
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