Matcha Soy Latte

  • Is Matcha Soy Latte vegan? Yes! Matcha Soy Latte is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

Uji Matcha Powder (by Matchaya)

3.72 (18)

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Most helpful reviews

I love how their lattes are already #dairyfree by default! This wasn't really sweet, it

had a pretty strong matcha taste 🍵 I prefer it sweeter but this is rich in matcha. Came with a vegan cookie at the side. Stuff here is pretty expensive, an occasional treat. Long overdue as I came here with @hownowbrownkow during #veganuary #vegbuddies

A lovely cuppa matcha is the best for a post-meal dessert—especially on rainy days 🍵

Privé uses Uji Matcha Powder, from Matchaya 🌿

Not a matcha expert but unsweetened straight Uji matcha can be pretty strong or bitter.

This had a “grassy” aftertaste and was definitely more bitter than most matcha lattes I’ve tried, but it wasn’t entirely unpleasant either. Best part was the little cookie that came with it and I wish it was larger 😛🍪

#veganisnotscary day 18

The matcha flavour is strong enough to satisfy this huge matcha fan. The coffee taste

however was quite lacking.

Extra points for paper instead of plastic straw (not that I need any straw!).


I feel bad that all my privé reviews are negative so far....but imma be honest

okay....I’m a huge matcha lover and this was the biggest let down. It was way too strong and had a weird powdery taste 😔 I do not recommend I’m sorry 😭


Hmm, I wasn’t sure if I liked matcha lattes but I fancied once. It certainly

looked very nice but was too sea-weedy for me. I have to commend Privé on their extensive plant-based options though!!

It’s usually with soy milk but they ran out so oat milk for me instead.

What a blessing in disguise as I like oat milk more and didn’t realise I could opt for it!! Love that Privé’s matcha latte is always not so sweet and comes with a unique earthiness, and a lovely little vegan cookie!

Opted for oat milk instead, which to me makes it even closer (or should I

say just the same as) dairy matcha latte! Hmm didn’t get the cookie this time tho is it gone :X

It has this powdery texture. Their matcha is very strong though. Their matcha is from

Matcha-ya. But overall I would consider it not bad for an afternoon tea and chill.

I like matcha and I like soy. Together, they make a bawmb combination 💥 I

liked it so matcha (pun intended), I lovingly swapped my better choice with a certain special someone who ordered the Beetroot Soy Latte. What can I say - love wins ❤️😂🌿

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