• Is Laksa vegan? Yes! Laksa is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.17 (7)

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Most helpful reviews

Never knew vegetarian laksa can taste so good! The owner is very generous with its

portion, giving me huge chunks of tau kee, bean curd skin, and mock meat (it’s supposed to replace fish cake I think?)

This dish is sold out by afternoons most of the time, so do go early if you can!

This was amazing. The gravy was rich and fragrant. They were generous with the taupok

and bean sprouts as well.

Came here wanting to try their chicken rice, but was told that they only sell

it during noon time. In the end, I ordered their laksa instead.

Laksa broth tasted not bad. Even though I personally prefer it to be more aromatic as umami flavor wasn't as strong, maybe due to lack of coconut milk. Hence, it tasted slightly different from the other typical laksa out there.

The ingredients were plentiful, but the tau kwa doesn't seems to taste that fresh. Staff aunty is friendly though, even asked if I wanted to omit the eggs or not. Overall, it was an okay dish. Will return to try their chicken rice the next time!

Expect lots of Taupok and beancurd skin and mock fish slices in this bowl of

yummy goodness! Together with beansprouts, it does mimic the actual taste of laksa but still prefer the green dot version

Milk free. Yes..even coconut milk's out of the equation. As rustic tasting as it can

get 😅

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