• Is Diavola vegan? Yes! Diavola is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.84 (5)

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Most helpful reviews

Un'ottima pizza italiana rivisitata in chiave vegana con affettato piccante e formaggio filante homemade.
Buona la

pasta, gustoso il Condimento.
L'intero menù è vegano, ci sono anche bruschette, antipasto misto, pasta, dolci

Wow. Wowowoowwowowoowww. This pizza is insaaaaaanely tatsy. It includes homemade spicy seitan sausage and creamy

vegan cheese. The base is chewy and slightly crunchy on the crust. Just everything you want a pizza to be. Flawless. Angelic. Godly.

You know stuff's good when your omnivore friend finishes his pizza before you do and

he looks shocked while eating 🎉 I've tried a slice to check myself and the dough is soft and tasty, the tomato sauce and the vegan mozzarella are just on point and surprisingly the vegan Wurst is soft and spicy enough. Maybe it could have been spicier, but still, it was very interesting to try it! We both definitely want to come back 💕
💸 €10
#veganinberlin #veganisnotscary [86/90]

Ottimo impasto, buona la mozzarella veg e i salumi. Mi è piaciuta molto

Pizza Diavola davvero buonissima! Impasto ottimo ed il formaggio incredibile 🤤

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