Afterglow Kimchi Avo Rolls

  • Is Afterglow Kimchi Avo Rolls vegan? Yes! Afterglow Kimchi Avo Rolls is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

Our signature almond sushi 'rice', housemade kimchi topped with fresh avocado (6 pieces)

4.59 (76)

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Most helpful reviews

Early bday dinner sharing platter! My 1st time to this place and found it very

cosy and warm :) these rolls are delicious! Lovely nutty taste and just the right amount of kimchi and avocado so everything blends well together! Can see why this is a favourite with other reviewers!

Exquisite! These #kimchi #sushirolls were a wonderful way to open a meal 😋 The "rice"

was actually made of #almond (so no [#]carbsforlife ☹️), the #seaweed had just the right texture, the toppings of #sesameseeds and #chilliflakes helped with the crunch and flavour. The only thing that maybe I didn't fully appreciate was the large slab of #avocado on top 😐 But then I don't like avocado so that's probably just me 😅 At $15, decent value when shared by two 🙂

Fun #starter!

Holy backlog… I’ve only just touched on this meal from @dafnelately’s birthday last year 😅

Kicking off dinner was this elegantly presented #sushiroll 🤩

I’ll say it was simply very #kimchi dominant. There was mention of almonds but I couldn’t quite detect it in flavour… or even texture.🤔 #avocado also being a mild flavour here couldn’t quite be found by my palate other than the much appreciated creaminess 😋 The rice and seaweed were soft and kushy to the bite. So, overall… it was a nice way to start our meal ☺️

$15 for a #sushi roll ain’t bad at all for a fancy schamncy joint like @afterglow 🤓

It seems to be one of their signatures so i think they want y’all to try it 😉

I had this again last night & while my sentiments towards avocado haven’t changed since,

my #birthday wiser mellowed me down to the subtlety of this #avocadoroll 🥑 It’s still as before, #kimchi with “almond #sushi rice” and topped with spinach-flavoured banana 🍌 but this time, I had it whole and tried to splendour it better. It really does taste better 😋 Sure, sure! Eating avocados and quinoa may make us worse than all the elite in their yacht 🛥️ & private jets 🛩️ that rule the world, more cruel than dairy and grinding chicks 🐣, at least every nonvegan Twitter leftists I’ve met would tell me- but it’s #scorpio season I tell myself, so a little evil is surely more than alright 🦂

I love #kimchi but I just so happen to think that avocados taste like spinach-infused

bananas 🍌 Not really the best of combos. Solution? Eat the roll without the avocado topping! I’m not even kidding! The roll was nice as is but I actually found it perfect without the avocados 🥑 Also removing it will stop those non-vegan Twitter leftists from having a go at you for consuming unsustainable food 🙄 Oh if only people understood the point of veganism 🤭 When you can achieve such good food like this without the added suffering, why still do it? #govegan #goveganfortheanimals #sushi

Not your traditional “sushi” roll by any means - so remember not to confuse it

as such. So much health in just one roll, especially if you were like me and hadn’t had lunch till about 3.30pm and the first thing you eat is this - I’m sure my stomach must have re-balanced itself thanks to me eating this instead of picking up some junk snack. #sgveganrestaurants #sgtop50

a plethora of ingredients but they worked nicely together to make this sushi tasty and

juicy. the almonds in place of sushi rice really added to the uniqueness of this dish. my non-vegan friend said she would come back and just order 5 plates of this 😂 #sgtop50

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