Introducing abillion's new Personalized Feed: Get inspired

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Attention, members of the abillion community! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new Personalized Feed feature, designed to enhance your journey towards a more sustainable and impactful lifestyle.

Say goodbye to content overload and welcome a curated feed that empowers you to make a difference.


At abillion, we understand that navigating the world of sustainability and veganism and making informed choices can sometimes be overwhelming. That's why we've developed the Personalized Feed—a feature that brings you tailored content, resources, and inspiration directly to your fingertips. Whether you're a long time member of the abillion community or just beginning your journey with us, this feature is sure to increase your impact and guide you towards positive change.


So, what sets the Personalized Feed apart? Let's explore the remarkable features and benefits:

1. Customized Content

The Personalized Feed is all about you. Based on your interests, preferences, and previous engagement, our algorithm curates a feed filled with reviews, posts, tips, challenges, and listings that align with your specific sustainability goals. From vegan recipes to inspiring initiatives and impact partner stories, every scroll will bring you closer to the community.

2. Discover New Paths

While you may already have your go-to sources of inspiration, the Personalized Feed introduces you to new and diverse perspectives. By showcasing content from individuals, communities, and impact partners you may not have come across, we encourage exploration and foster a sense of inclusivity.

Prepare to unlock fresh insights, connect with like-minded individuals, and broaden your impact horizons.

3. Fuel Your Passion

We believe that passion is the catalyst for meaningful action. The Personalized Feed provides a continuous stream of content that resonates with your passions and interests.

Discover projects, campaigns, and stories that inspire you to make a difference. Engage with other community members, share your experiences, and find inspiration in the collective impact we can create together.

We value your feedback! We are constantly striving to improve and provide the best experience for our community.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or ideas regarding the Personalized Feed or any other aspect of abillion, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated member success team.

We're here to listen and collaborate with you to make abillion better for you.

Join us on abillion today and experience the transformative potential of the Personalized Feed. Together, we can create a world where our actions truly make a difference—one conscious choice at a time.

Get inspired. Explore the Personalized Feed on abillion now! And don't forget to share your feedback with us!

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@svraphael88 profile image
Does this mean we can't choose the country feed option anymore? I found that feature tremendously helpful...
@fulfilling profile image
Yes, I agreed
@dansvatek profile image
@svraphael88 has a good point! Please bring back this feature
@dansvatek profile image
Oh, I see it’s been added back. Great, thank you @vikas !
@pdxveg profile image
Yes, having the country feed option back would be very helpful!
@fulfilling profile image
The localized feed is very useful. I learnt about new eateries opening in my country & where is having great promotions. I learnt about EVG & many other restaurants because of the local community. Now my feed is a continuous feed of overseas food and restaurants. I appreciate the delicious food available overseas & the ideas I am inspired to recreate at home, but, nothing beats reading about discoveries on the home ground. How can we search for latest local feeds? I haven’t been able to read abillion founder @vikas reviews & posts which pops up in my feed. Now, I have to search for his name in order to read his. Moreover, I miss reading abillion posts too. I didn’t know this was even written until I search for posts…only to discover it was written last month.
@svraphael88 profile image
I completely agree! I am in a whatssap group with abillion members who are local to me...and I only "met" them because of the choosing country feature. I really look forward using this app for the reviews of restaurants and products and Social Posts of local events within my country. Now, I feel lost using it. Additionally, I'm going to Chile this month and prior to this change, I went and changed the country to Chile and I was able to easily see the users of the country and which restaurants and products they were reviewing. Please keep this new feature for the feed part and switch the country part back as the other option, like it always has been. Thank you for considering this.
@vikas profile image
Hey the new feed will adapt based on your location and new locations! So it’s the country feed and more! Give it a chance.
@veggie-meg profile image
I agree with the above comments! I hardly see any localized posts in my feed anymore, and one of the main reasons I use this app is to find new food to try that’s accessible in my area. It’s cool to see what other countries have, but unless I’m planning to travel there soon, it’s not particularly useful.
@sueprozak profile image
Please bring back the localized feed! Now my feed does not show any activity within my own country and instead only shows what’s happening in other countries. Although it’s interesting to see what’s happening globally, we want to share and explore local businesses that we can actively support. Thank you 🌱❤️
@maryanarch profile image
I agree ☝️ ++++++ 🥺 🥺 🙏
@theveglife profile image
I agree that having a country filter feature would be much more useful to see businesses near me and connect with others. Can you consider having a filter similar to the one under the explore tab for products? That way we can filter by country or keep it "worldwide".
@sueprozak profile image
THANK YOU for adding back the country search option!!!!!! 🙏🌱❤️
@fulfilling profile image
Thank you for adding back the country function :) thank you for listening to our thoughts & putting them into action :) thanks Vikas & abillion team @vikas
@svraphael88 profile image
Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!! 💜💚💜💚💜💚
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