Review of Red Lentils - Bulk Barn by colphax

photo of Bulk Barn Red Lentils shared by @colphax on  24 Jan 2023 - review

Bulk Barn


This red lentil Burmese Style tofu was made using the bulk bin red lentils from Bulk Barn. I took a cup or so of lentils, soaked them in boiling water, then blended with more water until smooth. Next I heated the mixture in pot, added salt, and whisked until smooth and glossy. After that, simply put it in a container overnight and ended up with a red lentil tofu! In this picture, i had cubed and fried the tofu in vegan butter. Perfection!

mrsbubsmith Impressive!
svraphael88 Whaàaa?!?!?! Good on ya!!! Wow! Reply

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