Review of High Protein Organic Super Firm Tofu - Trader Joe's by unejanie

photo of Trader Joe's High Protein Organic Super Firm Tofu shared by @unejanie on  13 Sep 2022 - reviewphoto of Trader Joe's High Protein Organic Super Firm Tofu shared by @unejanie on  13 Sep 2022 - review

Trader Joe's

I usually make this soup with almond butter but it was for a friend who wanted some thing lighter so I tried it with tofu. Made it super creamy. It literally takes three minutes to make the soup and it taste like you slaved over it. Perfect use of tofu when the weather is hot and heavy. #tofu #organic I always get organic tofu to ensure it's non-GMO.

acastillon The soup looks delicious!4 likesReply
shmoopsify I’d love to see the recipe!2 likesReply
unejanie just look at the foto! i usually use almond butter instead of tofu. i think half of each would be good. i made up the recipe and never measure anything. 2 likesReply
shmoopsify Ah! I didn’t see the second pic, thanks!1 likeReply
unejanie and only half an avo. 1 likeReply
kyu Wow this looks so fresh!1 likeReply
sanleeping This I must try. 💚2 likesReply

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