Review of Maccheroni al ferretto - Italiamo by flouredfingers
I loved this pasta shape 😍 it's really strange, but so pretty ☺️ I made a quick tomato sauce with onions, garlic, carrots and pesto, in addition I cut up some artichoke 😏 So so tasty 🤤 #veganisnotscary #veganpasta #veganin2021 #veganinbulgaria
whatthefuck Omg I’m drooling 🤤!!!! Great pasta 🍝 6 likesReply
flouredfingers Thank you! 🙏Reply
bianca1701 Wow, that looks so tasty. Very interesting shaped pasta 4 likesReply
flouredfingers Thanks ☺️Reply
unejanie i had that shape last week. it was so good!!!1 likeReply
flouredfingers It's really fun ☺️1 likeReply
unejanie i will never understand why some shapes are better. but they are! 🍝 🥰 1 likeReply
flouredfingers Even if it's only for the visual, I agree! It kind of makes it taste better ☺️😋1 likeReply
danielgl Looks delicious!! I snap them up whenever Italian week comes around 😋1 likeReply
flouredfingers Thanks! I'd definitely get them again 😋1 likeReply
danielgl They have a tri-color version too!2 likesReply
flouredfingers Nice! I haven't seen it here though1 likeReply