Review of Calidad Oro 100% Arabica - Café mirante by danielgl

photo of Café mirante Calidad Oro 100% Arabica shared by @danielgl on  18 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Café mirante Calidad Oro 100% Arabica shared by @danielgl on  18 Mar 2021 - review

Café mirante

Just bought this to hold me over until my usual standby becomes available. It is a nice, smooth roast but not the intensity I was looking for. And at 4,80€ for 250g, pricier than normal for a local roast. #kimberleepower #refugiotheanimalacademy

david- Are the beans from Spain as well or just roasted there?1 likeReply
danielgl Just toasted, I have to write them about where they are sourced, though the parent company is all about eco sustainable gastronomy, liquors, and cosmetics 👍1 likeReply

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