Post by tamiapple

Scientists are outraged by plans for the world’s first octopus farm, which would cram a million of these highly intelligent creatures into tiny tanks, and then kill them by freezing them to death. Plans for this giant octopus torture chamber have been submitted to local authorities in Spain – add your name calling for a ban on octopus farming!

kate71 Done 👍👍👍4 likesReply
tamiapple Thank you! 🐙2 likesReply
sanleeping Signed and glad to see there is opposition to this. Thank you 6 likesReply
tamiapple Amazing! Thank you! Hundreds of thousands of people are signing from all over the world - let’s hope our collective voice is heard & makes the difference. 🐙4 likesReply
alyssaa Signed 💕4 likesReply
tamiapple Awesome! ✔️3 likesReply
thealexrae Ugh heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹 5 likesReply
tamiapple Indeed. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen. 💔🐙2 likesReply
friendlyvegan Signed! So close to 500,000!!! 😄 🐙 4 likesReply
tamiapple Fantastic! Thank you! I just checked and as of now (9:32 pm CST on 3/29/23), they have 508,914 signatures from all over the world. 2 likesReply
jinplantfriend Absolutely heartbreaking… 🙁 I made sure to sign! 👍3 likesReply
tamiapple Yes it is, thanks so much for signing. Avaaz has had some incredible victories - I’m hopeful this will be another one. 🐙2 likesReply
whatthefuck Signed crying 😭 3 likesReply
tamiapple Grazie Mille! & I completely understand the tears. 🐙Reply
theveganfeast Signed ✔️ 3 likesReply
tamiapple Thank you! And thanks for reposting, too 🐙1 likeReply
theveganfeast I'm sorry 😔. I've tried reposting a few times and it won't show up.1 likeReply
tamiapple no worries at all 😊 Definitely appreciate the effort!!! 😊👍Reply
beckyyy Thanks for sharing. 1 likeReply
tamiapple Just checked again & as of tonight, this petition has 649,083 worldwide signatures. 1 likeReply
mikael 😡1 likeReply
tamiapple Hey Mikael! 🐙 Let’s hope the worldwide outcry will influence the outcome of this disturbing example of humanity at it worst. Reply
bethanykenyon Signed! Thanks so much for sharing. ❤️1 likeReply
tamiapple Thanks so much for caring & signing! 🐙 As of tonight, 3/31 @ 10:06 pm CST, there are 696,132 signatures to stop this from happening. 1 likeReply
onehungryvegan Signed and shared 1 likeReply
tamiapple Thank you for caring & sharing 🐙 Currently this petition has 714,160 signatures 1 likeReply
onehungryvegan I hope it goes into the millions.. 1 likeReply
tamiapple Ditto 🐙💕Reply
danielgl Signed!! It is encouraging to see more initiatives opposing this horrific project. In the Canaries we have been fighting to get the project cancelled for about two uears now. Let's hope this momentum gets it shut down for good!! 🙏🙏🐙🐙1 likeReply
tamiapple Thanks! 🐙 🙏 & thanks so much for all of the hard work you & community members have been doing on the ground to stop this from happening. Let’s hope this work, along with worldwide attention & opposition, will halt this unfettered display of greed & cruelty from happening. 1 likeReply
helena12345 Signed, and i tried to repost this already 3 times but it’s not working, will try again later1 likeReply
tamiapple Thanks so much for signing & reposting 🐙 (& please don’t worry if it won’t repost on the app. App bugs happen & either way, I truly appreciate the effort.) I love the ease with which you can forward a petition started by Avaaz to friends & your community via email, too. Even my non-vegan friends (who are not on abillion) signed the petition & also took the next step & forwarded it to family. 2 likesReply
veganeverythingalex Have you read Remarkably Bright Creatures, one of the main characters is an octopus and much of the novel is from his point of view 🐙❤️1 likeReply
tamiapple I haven’t, sounds interesting! Thanks so much! (Truly in awe of their profound beauty & intelligence.) 🐙💕1 likeReply
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