From My Head, To-Ma-Toes Grilled PUNini

  • Is From My Head, To-Ma-Toes Grilled PUNini vegan? Yes! From My Head, To-Ma-Toes Grilled PUNini is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.47 (18)

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$12.50. The punini bread is yummz and fillings are savoury w smoked veg ham kiap

in between the PUNinis. It is topped with vegan mozerella too which is nubbadd 😋 super likey the veges by the side. "Ah Cha" style!(They are currently open on Tues, Wed, Sun, 12 to 9.30pm. Pls call and make reservation before hand as limited seating.)

I love paninis and haven’t had one in so long! A great and simple combination

of ham, cheese and tomato on a delicious focaccia. The pickled veg on the side it tangy and crunchy 😋

herbed foccaccia, smoked veg ham, sliced tomatoes, fresh thai basil. vegan mozzarella, house-made melty cashew

cheeze. balsamic drizzle.

My personal fav panini out of the three variations (but everything was amazing; it really just boils down to personal preference!!) #cyfavs #sandwich #toast

Super flavourful and not too salty :D

This selection of grilled panini sandwiches were made using herbed focaccia bread and melted cashew

cheeze. I also enjoyed the range of sides, including the palate-cleansing pickled slaw, Chinese-inspired ginger soy shredded baiye tofu, and lemon herbed potatoes.

#sg #veganin2020

Love a good ol’ warm & crunchy ham & cheese toastie :D Love the combination

of fresh basil, commercial savoury melty cheese slice & homemade cashew cheese w soy ham here! :) Pickles add another dimension in terms of taste & texture 🌟 Would love more cashew cheese but it’s alr good this way! #veganin2020 #toast

Fav savoury dish here 🌈 Love the flavourful soy ham that reminds me of the

honey-baked ham I used to eat before going plant-based, and how it goes so well with the lightly salted tomatoes, fresh basil, possibly bio-life / emborg vegan cheese, toasted panini, tortilla chips with tangy cashew sauce & fresh salad with sesame peanut dressing 🥙

Last day today though; gonna continue supporting WellSmoocht / Smoocht x Bold when I can & keep a lookout for Zenna’s next venture 🥲 #veganisnotscary

The punini comes with tomatoes, ham and cheese. I loved the cheese which I think

is made from cashews and the punini comes together well overall. The nachos could use more cheese though. #veganisnotscary

I felt like I was eating pizza when I took my first few bites of

this panini. The oozy mozza, tomatoes and fresh basil were the stars of the dish. Ma Ma Mia its super delizioso! Highly recommended.

Protip: Takes some bites of the pickled veg together with the panini for a flavour explosion you won't forget


Forgot the name!!! But I think this was my fav dish of the night :)

has ham cheese (cashew+ daiya I think?) which was v melty and tasty and the bread was v crispy. I like the addition of pickles on the side too! #veganin2020

My favourite part’s the toasty panini and the cashew cheese. Would love for more fillings

to make the sandwich even heartier :D #veganin2020

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