Review of From My Head, To-Ma-Toes Grilled PUNini at Well Loft by veggiexplorer

photo of Well Loft From My Head, To-Ma-Toes Grilled PUNini shared by @veggiexplorer on  21 Nov 2020 - reviewphoto of Well Loft From My Head, To-Ma-Toes Grilled PUNini shared by @veggiexplorer on  21 Nov 2020 - review

$12.50. The punini bread is yummz and fillings are savoury w smoked veg ham kiap in between the PUNinis. It is topped with vegan mozerella too which is nubbadd 😋 super likey the veges by the side. "Ah Cha" style!(They are currently open on Tues, Wed, Sun, 12 to 9.30pm. Pls call and make reservation before hand as limited seating.)


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