Review of Double Choccy Snack Bar - Buttermilk by veggie-meg
I looove Buttermilk choccy bars, so was excited to try this new snack bar out. My first impression is that it is VERY small. Compared to their other choccy bars, it’s maybe half the size and thickness, which felt a little bit like a rip off. I think they were trying to reduce the calorie count for this bar so that’s probably why, but I just wanted MORE. Haha! It was very tasty, has almost a protein bar texture, but with a delicious chewy almost caramely flavour. It has puffed rice in it that add a chewiness. I really enjoyed this bar, and if I found them on sale, would probably buy again! #veganchocolate #littlevegantreats
ameriamber When I complained about the size, Buttermilk said “it’s a snack bar!”. Giiiiirl, I snack bigger than that!! They’re so good 😊 just so small. 4 likesReply
maryanarch 😂 👍🏿 👍🏿 👍🏿 2 likesReply
veggie-meg Hahaha more like bite sized 😝😅2 likesReply
tamiapple Wow! Is that a verigated rhaphadophora tetrasperma (aka mini monstera)? 🪴2 likesReply
veggie-meg Haha unfortunately it is a fake one 😬😂 I have the worst luck keeping indoor plants alive, and we don’t get much direct sunlight in our suite unfortunately! One day hopefully I can have more indoor plant babies 🤞😅 2 likesReply
tamiapple Oh gosh that’s a great fake (at least in photos)! 😊👍 I’d never seen a variegated rhaphadophora so I was excited to see it 🪴2 likesReply