Review of Soy-Free Tofu - Big Mountain Foods by veggie-meg

photo of Big Mountain Foods Soy-Free Tofu shared by @veggie-meg on  28 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Big Mountain Foods Soy-Free Tofu shared by @veggie-meg on  28 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Big Mountain Foods Soy-Free Tofu shared by @veggie-meg on  28 Feb 2024 - reviewphoto of Big Mountain Foods Soy-Free Tofu shared by @veggie-meg on  28 Feb 2024 - review

Big Mountain Foods


I was interested to try out this #soyfree “tofu” as I have several family members who are allergic to soy. I am happy to see that veganism is becoming more and more allergy friendly everyday, as in my family it is one of the main reasons people use for avoiding the topic of veganism (which makes it very hard to have a debate/conversation!).

This tofu is made from fava beans, and cooked very similarly to regular soy tofu. If anything it was a bit softer and crumblier, which also allowed it to absorb more of the flavour in our dish. It has a bit of a different flavour, due to the fava beans, but it was nice and pleasant! It’s not exactly the same tofu experience, but a great alternative if you can’t eat soy! #tofu #soyfreetofu #allergyfriendly #allergenfree

ksvegan17 Thank you for reviewing this!7 likesReply
maryanarch 🙏 👍🏿 🙏 5 likesReply
whatacuriousnotion It looks like the right crumble for tofu feta!6 likesReply
veggie-meg Oooh a great idea!4 likesReply
helena12345 It’s a convenient excuse to use, but it remains an excuse and not a reason. My partner has many allergens and thinks he can’t eat. You just find a way around it 🤷🏽‍♀️ These modern days in many countries, and definitely in Canada 😅 There are so many food availabilities in supermarkets! 6 likesReply
veggie-meg 100% I agree! I find it tricky to debate with people like this though as they see it as a health concern and are not willing to budge. It’s unfortunate but hopefully it gets better as more and more of the supermarket shelves are filled with vegan options!!! 2 likesReply

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