Review of Vegan All-Day Egg Scramble - Hodo by vluxemagazine

photo of Hodo Vegan All-Day Egg Scramble shared by @vluxemagazine on  14 May 2023 - review


I like this!! So what I did was melt a little Miyokos Creamery vegan butter then browned the scramble and I did add more nutritional yeast but for me, I would also add Himalayan black salt plus sautéed veggies, but hands down, this is the best tofu scramble I have had in a LONG time since Fantastic Foods discontinued their tofu scramble seasoning. Plus it’s all in there so there’s no mixing, measuring etc. if an on-the-go vegan. I’m sure as a breakfast wrap it would be pretty awesome 😊💚🌿


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