Review of Whole Wheat Panko Breadcrumbs - Kikkoman by colphax

photo of Kikkoman Whole Wheat Panko Breadcrumbs shared by @colphax on  12 Apr 2023 - reviewphoto of Kikkoman Whole Wheat Panko Breadcrumbs shared by @colphax on  12 Apr 2023 - review


I went to the store looking for Kikkoman’s regular panko breadcrumbs, but they only had the whole wheat version. I wasn’t sure if I’d like these, because, though I enjoy whole wheat bread 🥖, i wasn’t sure I’d enjoy a #wholewheat breaded eggplant 🍆 . Straight out of the bag, these weren’t tasty like regular panko, but once fried onto the eggplant, they were delicious! I couldn’t tell any difference in the final product. No difference in taste + more nutritious? I’m down! #wholegrains


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