Review of Vegetable Fried Rice - Trader Joe's by earthlinged

photo of Trader Joe's Vegetable Fried Rice shared by @earthlinged on  17 Oct 2022 - review

Trader Joe's

After a busy day this is an easy and quick go to meal. Throw in some tofu and some extra veggies and you’re good to go.

rnkendra I love Trader Joe’s! They are selling a lot of vegan items now!2 likesReply
earthlinged It’s definitely getting a lot better!2 likesReply
plantcircles Family favorite. My daughter packs a cup a d half for her school lunch tone and then. So easy. 1 likeReply
earthlinged Yeah, it’s really quick and easy :)1 likeReply
plantcircles Family favorite. My daughter packs a cup and half of it for her school lunch now and then. So easy. 1 likeReply
danielgl I miss Trader Joe's!!1 likeReply
earthlinged It is a good supermarket!2 likesReply
pinkobsessedvegan Haha! Yes! I love my store! We all love eachother so much. We have so much fun. I'm the designated vegan of my store lol. I'll stop whatever I'm doing to help a vegan. Haha! I've been telling my customers about you and this app! I've been writing it on the back of the frequent flyers! People seemed excited about it! Reply
thatvegancouple One of my favorite go to easy vegan meals. Reply
jktunes The Japanese style one is also great. Shave in carrot and more peas and edamame. Add tofu is a good idea. Add finish with soy satiate and sriracha! YumReply
pinkobsessedvegan You gotta try the Japanese one! It has more protein in it. And lots of soy beans. I put coconut 🥥 aminos in mineReply

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