Review of Thai Basil OmniMeat at Frontier by pomwei

photo of Frontier Thai Basil OmniMeat shared by @pomwei on  15 Jan 2022 - reviewphoto of Frontier Thai Basil OmniMeat shared by @pomwei on  15 Jan 2022 - review

I’m so excited to see a lot of omni delights in NUS this month! In particular, this dish was packed with flavours! The basil omni-meat was cooked with dried curry leaves, long beans and chilli, enabling the dish to be so fragrant and addictive! *warning: the chilli was more than just a tad spicy but it didn’t overpower the sweetness from the omni-meat*

The texture of the omni-meat was not a 100% as it failed to mimic the roughness and unevenness of the actual meat, which I preferred. Despite this, I’m certain some people would like the smoothness of the minced omni-meat. Nevertheless, the omni-meat was juicy, not dry in any way, and savoury on the right note! :’)

One minor qualm, I wish the vege/salad would have a dash of lemon juice on it so it’ll be more appetising for people who’re not huge fans of raw vege.


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