Review of ConcenTrace Mineral Drops - Trace Minerals by avecdeschiens

photo of Trace Minerals ConcenTrace Mineral Drops shared by @avecdeschiens on  10 Jan 2022 - reviewphoto of Trace Minerals ConcenTrace Mineral Drops shared by @avecdeschiens on  10 Jan 2022 - review

Trace Minerals

Minerals and trace minerals are crucial for proper bodily functioning.

Using trace minerals may help maintain healthy energy levels by giving your body's electrical system the minerals it needs to function properly. ⚡️

Trace minerals promote proper hydration, and for many have proven helpful in preventing headaches, cramps, and much more. 💧

I wish the packaging wasn’t plastic!


cheftique I use this stuff in my plant an mushroom milks! Just this in water reminds me of milk in ways, which I still haven’t figured out, because this raises the ph of water and milk is acidic, but almost has a basic flavor… it probably has some similar minerals, yet made to be close to the ph of our stomach so it’s easy on a baby’s stomach1 likeReply
avecdeschiens This doesn’t remind me of milk, at all. I can’t imagine it tasting good in milk, either, but to each their own 😜1 likeReply
cheftique Haha! Don’t you salt your plant milk?Reply

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