Review of Cashew Butter Smooth - Nutural World by veganicious

photo of Nutural World Cashew Butter Smooth shared by @veganicious on  08 Aug 2021 - review

Nutural World

Can’t rate it enough, can’t live without it!
✔️ Mac and cheese
✔️ Sauces
✔️ On toast
✔️ With 🍌
✔️ As it is
Smooth, creamy, delicious, just P E R F E C T!

ecofriendlyvegangeek On toast with 🍌? I bet that would be completely amazing, I'll have to try it! Thanks! I didn't know this brand till now!1 likeReply
ecofriendlyvegangeek P s. Is there anywhere to buy it other than Amazon?1 likeReply
veganicious @ecofriendlyvegangeek you could try Chunks of banana, some cashew butter and cover in chocolate! Yum!! Reply
bethisntokay18 Bet it’s bare expensive thoughReply
veganicious £16.65/kg Not bad! I’d say normal! Reply

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