Review of Cocoa 100% Natural Unsweetened Cacao - Hershey's by koyott

photo of Hershey's Cocoa 100% Natural Unsweetened Cacao shared by @koyott on  07 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of Hershey's Cocoa 100% Natural Unsweetened Cacao shared by @koyott on  07 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of Hershey's Cocoa 100% Natural Unsweetened Cacao shared by @koyott on  07 Jan 2021 - reviewphoto of Hershey's Cocoa 100% Natural Unsweetened Cacao shared by @koyott on  07 Jan 2021 - review


🇫🇷 Yuki sur la première photo et Tywin sur la seconde, se sont invitées sur la table pour vous présenter le cacao non sucré que @abillion10 (merci à nouveau ! 😊) Elles sont terribles à toujours grimper là où elles savent qu'elles ne devraient pas y être...🐈🐈🤷🏻‍♀️
Donc pour revenir à cette poudre de cacao, on sent qu'elle est très proche du produit brut, l'amertume est présente. Il suffit de doser comme on le souhaite le sucre de canne. J'ai goûté le chocolat chaud sans sucre mais j'ai finalement sortie le sucre ! Donc voilà petit réconfort en cette journée d'hiver avec un chocolat chaud et un gâteau au yaourt avec la poudre de cacao ! On est Chocoholic ou on ne l'est pas! 😉 #veganuary #groingroin #chocoholic
🇬🇧 Yuki on the first picture and Tywin in the second, took to the table to present you the unsweetened cocoa that @abillion10 (thanks again! 😊) They are terrible to always climb where they know they shouldn't be there ... 🐈🐈🤷🏻‍♀️ So to come back to this cocoa powder, we feel that it's very close to the raw product, the bitterness is present. You just have to dose the cane sugar as desired. I tasted the hot chocolate without sugar but finally took out the sugar! So here's a little comfort on this winter's day with hot chocolate and a yogurt cake with cocoa powder! We are Chocoholic or we are not! 😉

solajem The cat 🐈 is gorgeous 😍#catsofab5 likesReply
koyott Thank you Solajem! 😸1 likeReply
florine 😻😻😻1 likeReply
gwenda Both 🐱 are too pretty 😻😻☺ !2 likesReply
koyott Thanks Gwenda !! They are both adorable, like the other eight! We have a big family ... lol! 🤪 All have left the streets over the past fifteen years 😉1 likeReply
solajem Did I seriously read it? Do you have a 10 cats? 😯🐈2 likesReply
koyott ah ah Solajem! the math is good! 🤣 It's clear that it sounds crazy and ... it's... crazy !! 🤪 But everything is going well! 😁 Obviously, all are sterilized 😉, there are enough unfortunate little ones outside, as they could have been before.2 likesReply
gwenda Oh my 😍😻 10 cats are living with you ?! Awesome !!! ...what a wonderful company you have, great 💕🐱 !!!1 likeReply
solajem That's nice I would like to have 10 cats max I had 3 and that was a lot of fun 🐈💗2 likesReply
koyott Three companions is already great! 😺 We chose to help as many unhappy cats as possible, but we never thought we would have so many at home! If I had been told that when I was younger, I would have said it was just crazy !! Originally I imagined taking my independence and adopting rats, these little animals fascinate me! 🐀 But ultimately, it was the cats that crossed my path, I don't regret that! 😍1 likeReply
solajem I had 3 rats before I got my parrot 🐦 so yeah they're really cute and funny creatures love them specially that one of them was my sweetheart... Just perfect match with the character 😍 miss her so much 😖 but we'll Hendry is keeping me the company now Reply
solajem You're great for what you're doing 🤗 I'm really happy and proud to hear it! Reply
mouxlitsa Your cat is adorable ❤️1 likeReply
koyott Thanks Mouxlitsa for them! 😸1 likeReply
sandrine Jolis matous. J' ai eu un chat blanc aussi. Je l ai gardé 19 ans, il était génial. Le plus gentil des matous.c est carrément sympa de faire des photos avec les animaux 🤪1 likeReply
koyott Oh merci pour elles! 😺 Ce sont deux fifilles 😉 Ah oui, tu as eu aussi la compagnie d'un loulou blanc! Un très bel âge même s'ils nous quittent toujours trop tôt... Yuki aura 14 ans cette année , très proche de nous avec un caractère de princesse et Tywin 7 ans, toujours de bonne humeur et super sociable 😺 Altea qui aime s'incruster sur les photos a quant à elle 5 ans c'est une véritable glue, et il y a les sept autres loulous ! Tous des sauvetages de la rue à l'aide d'associations mais aussi sans 😉 Comme toi, je trouve ça génial les photos avec les animaux ! J'adore voir les loulous qui accompagnent la vie de chacun, chats, chien, oiseau, poule, cochon... 😃 Avoir tous les loulous en photos c'est une question de bon timing chez moi, lol! Il n'y a qu'Altea qui pose, pour les autres deux secondes trop tôt ou trop tard et leur bouille est floue! 😹1 likeReply
malarky 10 cats!! That’s a lot of love!!1 likeReply
koyott oh yes, hugs, games and laughs with them !! 😺Reply

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