Review of Chunky Monkey Smoothie Bowl at Soul Smoothie Bar by hownowbrownkow

photo of Soul Smoothie Bar Chunky Monkey Smoothie Bowl shared by @hownowbrownkow on  20 Nov 2020 - review

I liked all the toppings but the base didn't amaze me. It tasted like an average smoothie that I could make myself. The cacao nibs was the real star of the dish! #chocoholic

chenchen Smoothie bowls are always so beautiful 🤩1 likeReply
hownowbrownkow Agreed!Reply
herbimetal Really? I haven't really had smoothie bowls so I can't tell and it tasted very good to me 1 likeReply
hownowbrownkow I probably didn't appreciate it as much as I should have since I was eating it during a lunch meeting 😅Reply

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