Review of Just Like Parmesan Wedge - Violife by vikas

photo of Violife Just Like Parmesan Wedge shared by @vikas on  28 Jan 2019 - review


Surprisingly good! So far I haven’t really been able to find a great Parmesan 🧀 alternative. The Follow Your Heart shreds aren’t very good except maybe in baking and I wanted something I could grate over pasta. I was skeptical about the Violife but had @s1224 and her two amazing vegan daughters over for spaghetti and decided to try this. The girls approved big time. It was remarkably like the real thing, creamy, salty, gtated perfrectly and melted when it touched the pasta 🍝

#product #violife #wholefoods

isalee I thought it was pretty good too but you should try GoVeggie’s Parmesan. I ordered it once from amazon :)Reply
vikas Oh wow thanks. I’ll check Amazon, haven’t heard of #goveggie before! 🥰Reply
honestpastures One of my favorites Reply
vikas I’m so torn about using all this processed stuff but this one was pretty simple in terms of ingredients too 👍Reply
honestpastures Def I love their entire line it’s my go to cheese over all the others usually has a great price on it too when it’s in stock 🌱👌🏼Reply
isalee I just checked Amazon and it doesn’t seem to be there anymore. But its available at the link honestpastures mentioned^ Good to know :) Reply
vikas Nice tip thanks @honestpastures 🥰👍Reply

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