hummus alla barbabietola

by Vemondo
4.20 (118)
  • Is hummus alla barbabietola vegan? Yes! hummus alla barbabietola is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 55%

Introducing our delicious Hummus alla Barbabietola - a sweet and savory spread that's perfect for sandwiches, dipping, or snacking. Made with roasted red peppers, this hummus offers a unique twist on the traditional flavor. With its creamy texture and vibrant color, it's sure to become a family favorite. Some customers have mentioned that it has a perfect blend of sweetness and tanginess that satisfies their cravings.

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Most helpful reviews

Incuriosita dal colore ho deciso di provare questo nuovo hummus alla barbabietola. Ero un po’

titubante ma in realtà il sapore mi ha sorpresa molto! Il gusto è perfettamente equilibrato tra il dolce della barbabietola e l’amaro tipico della taina. Approvato!
#veganhummus #hummus #barbabietola

Uno degli hummus in commercio più buoni che io abbia mai mangiato, denso, saporito e



 I was craving #hummus, and this was on sale. Great price! It made a

great #sandwichspread and a great dip. It's a little sweet, probably from the #beets/ #barbabietola.  I prefer to make my own hummus (not helmets, which was my phone's choice), but I am not set up for that right now so I enjoyed this as a treat. I will reuse the plastic container. i have been helping feed the strays here - found some locals who do what they can. this kitty was peeking over a wall spying on me. he waited until I was a safe distance away to come out. The look on his face is priceless! #quickandeasy

Hummus pronto alma barbabietola molto buono! Non sono solita a comprarli già pronti ma ero

stata invitata ad una cena e dovevo portare qualcosa velocemente e questo hummus mi ha salvato! E ho fatto anche una gran bella figura, è piaciuto a tutt*

🛒 Lidl

#9090challenge #veganisnotscary

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