Bio ginger shot

by Solevita
4.14 (97)
  • Is Bio ginger shot vegan? Yes! Bio ginger shot is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

Bio Ginger Shot is a refreshing and invigorating drink made with 100% organic ingredients. It is a blend of organic apples, zesty lemon, and fiery ginger that will leave your taste buds dancing. This little powerhouse is sure to become your new go-to beverage. The zesty lemon and spicy ginger flavor will awaken your senses and leave you feeling refreshed and energized. At just 8 HRK (€1), it is a steal for such a high-quality, healthy drink. With reviews like "My favorite juice" and "Tasty and little. Its ok to taste it once," you know you're getting a product that people love. Don't miss out on this delicious and healthy treat. Get your Bio Ginger Shot today!

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Most helpful reviews

🌱 Until a few years ago I didn’t really like ginger in any form but

now I can’t get enough of it! I think it has something to do with eating less sugary stuff and starting to use more spices in my cooking.

🌿 This ginger shot is amazing, and is great also diluted with some lemonade.

🛒 Bought in Lidl for €1.20.

#veganisnotscary #ginger #healthyshot #gingershot
📸 23/90

È un prodotto molto interessante. Il sapore di zenzero (come si immagina dal nome) è

molto intenso! Mi è piaciuto davvero moltissimo, ma sicuramente lo consiglio solamente ai fan dello zenzero.
#veganisnotscary #gingershot

Secondo me un po’ caro per la quantità. In ogni caso il gusto é veramente

forte e piccante, a noi é piaciuto, ma dopo averlo “diluito” con acqua frizzante o bevanda simile.


Zumo de manzana, jengibre y limón. Aunque yo me lo hago en casa con la

licuadora y no le pongo zumo de manzana, que me gusta más porque así no lleva azúcares, este lo venden así fresquito y a veces no puedo evitar que se me antoje.
Tiene un sabor potente y un poco picante y es una bomba de vitaminas, según dicen del jengibre sobre todo, aunque también tiene bastante azúcar (del zumo de manzana).
La lata es reciclable.

Ottimo shottino allo zenzero, limone e mela, per gli amanti dello zenzero da bere così

com'è, altrimenti magari da diluire in qualche cocktail. Lo ricomprerò sicuramente.

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