Just GREAT or FANTASTIC quark yogurt, very great ingredients and taste, but not so common to find it in shops
Most helpful reviews
Great value for the price, I like it so much, as all other products from Provamel :)
This is a really thick yoghurt with 6g of protein on 100g. It’s made from organic soy and it’s unsweetened so it’s a great base for many delicious snacks or sauces! It’s quite expensive compared to other products from the same category #veganin2020
Very different from other plant yogurts. I love the sourness but wow the strong soy flavor is so bad. I had to drown it in agave syrup to be able to finish it. Also reminds me of Provamel’s Skyr Style yogurt, I am not sure what the difference is between the two. Might be useful for recipes though, have not tried it. Edit: Comparing the nutritional labels this seems to be the exact same product as Provamel’s Skyr style yogurt.
Non mi ispirava, dalla confezione, ma devo dire che è davvero buono, consistenza come uno yogurt greco ma con lampone, sazia molto, leggero, gustoso sopratutto in estate ! Ottima alternativa a chi è un amante degli
Yogurt. :)