Pizzoccheri della Valtellina I.G.P

by Moro
4.51 (77)
  • Is Pizzoccheri della Valtellina I.G.P vegan? Yes! Pizzoccheri della Valtellina I.G.P is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 32%

Pizzoccheri della Valtellina I.G.P. is a traditional pasta dish from the Valtellina region of Italy. It is made with buckwheat flour, which gives it a unique flavor and texture. This dish is typically served with potatoes, spinach, and a generous amount of butter, making it a hearty and comforting meal for cold weather. Some reviews mention that it is a bit dense and filling, but the flavor is well worth it. Overall, Pizzoccheri della Valtellina I.G.P. is a delicious and authentic Italian dish that is worth trying.

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Most helpful reviews

The pizzoccheri are the typical pasta made with buckwheat and they are a typical winter

food in northern Italy, eaten with potatoes, spinach and a lot of butter. I made them with a lot of margarine and homemade nuts “Parmesan” and they were bombbbbbb #asiasofabv

Buoni. Come formato sono un pochino più spessi e più stretti rispetto a quelli di

altre marche, quindi rimangono un pochino più al dente all'interno.

#veganisnotscary #pizzoccheri

Questi pizzoccheri sono super buoni conditi con zucca e fagioli borlotti, ma anche con verza,

biete e patate. Si trovano con facilità in molti supermercati e sono anche economici

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