Passionfruit and Mango Mochi

by Little Moons
4.22 (52)
  • Is Passionfruit and Mango Mochi vegan? Yes! Passionfruit and Mango Mochi is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 35%

The Passionfruit and Mango Mochi Ice Cream is a vegan dessert made with cashew milk. It offers a delightful combination of tangy passionfruit and sweet mango flavors. Each bite contains a chewy dough that surrounds the creamy ice cream center. This treat is a guilt-free indulgence that will satisfy your taste buds. Some reviews mention the refreshing taste and the mochi's chewy texture.

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Most helpful reviews

I had this as dessert at a friend’s house this weekend and while I only

had one because I was stuffed from dinner, wow! I’ve never had mochi ice cream, primarily because it is SO expensive, but this was actually quite delightful. I wasn’t quite sure how the dough and ice cream would work but they do, and quite beautifully 👌🏽 #ashers #pigsnpaws #greyton #willows #southernveganupnorth #northernireland #veganuary #roomtoread #veganin2022 #mochi #icecream #veganicecream

Trovati per caso al supermercato di paese, che non ha mai nulla, c'era solo questa

confezione (forse l'hanno presa per sbaglio)... quindi la cosa mi ha entusiasmato parecchio e non ho potuto fare a meno di prenderli, nonostante a mio avviso il prezzo è decisamente elevato : 8 € per 6 mochi, questa però è l'unica pecca , poiché sono davvero buonissimi. Freschi gustosi , sanno di frutta. Se per caso dovessi trovarli di nuovo, nonostante il prezzo li prenderei di nuovo. #mochi #passionfruit #dolce

These were #delicious. The ice-cream inside was creamy and flavourful 😋🤤

They are 69 calories per ball, but the problem

is that they are so small! £4.50 for 6 balls (in Tesco), but I ate 6 in one go 😬 whoops!

I wish these came in normal ice-cream tubs, because the ice-cream was so delish, and I feel like you're probably paying extra to have it wrapped into little balls. I didn't particularly like the rice dough anyway.

#veganicecream #dairyfreeicecream
#mochi #plantbasedicecream #vegantreats #vegansweets #vegandesserts

I love these mochi! I used to love them before going vegan and this is

the first time I find their vegan version. These one in particular (mango and passion fruit) are spectacular. I got them at Migros for CHF 5,95. #mochi #gelato #dessert #migros

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