Honestly I cannot tell the difference between one brand of bananas from another so I guess I choose based on availability and price. I should research each company and their practices. Something I should put on my to-do list.
#banana #veganisnotscary #vegan #vegan2023 #goveganfortheanimals #goveganfortheplanet #abillionlove #abillionturns3 #abillion
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These bananas are about ready for a sweet banana bread. Banana with extra walnuts is da bomb bread for me. #banana
Non so se si è capito guardando il mio profilo, ma qui mangiamo mooooolte banane 🐵, purtroppo non ho trovato le Fair trade, queste sono ok ma packaging migliorabile #veganisnotscary #lasstdietiereleben
these bananas are very sweet and tasty. i always get these from the market
Non tra le più dolci che abbia mangiato, forse perché erano ancora un po’ verdi. Comunque buone