coffee creamer sweet & creamy

by Chobani
4.28 (5)
  • Is coffee creamer sweet & creamy vegan? Yes! coffee creamer sweet & creamy is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

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Very tasty, very sweet so it doesn't take much to sweeten your coffee! Not super

thick and creamy but it's enough.

Super delicious & super smooth, this has the perfect amount of sweet to it as

well, definitely love it 🤍

Sweet and creamy! Just like how the packaging describes it, I really want to try

their vegan yogurts but can’t find them in store?? Normally I use this for coffee but my sister used this to make dalgona* Is that how you spell it??* whipped matcha recipe if anyone wants it ⬇️⬇️
2 tbsp Aquafaba *liquid from a can of chickpeas*
1 tbsp sugar of choice, she used monkfruit sugar
1/2-1 tsp matcha powder
1 cup plant based milk of choice, she used oat milk
A splash of the creamer ⬆️⬆️

Whip Aquafaba by hand or with a frother, handheld mixer, until fluffy and frothy then add in sugar of choice and keep whipping it until stiff peaks form
Then sift in the matcha powder and whisk it until combined, fill a glass with ice, add in plant based milk of choice, creamer then top off with the dalgona matcha mixture and top off with additional sweetener if needed, and enjoy!!
~Add in as much or as little sweetener as needed
~taste the matcha mixture after adding in the matcha powder and see if it needs more sugar
~If using 1 tsp matcha powder she recommends that you use a bit more sugar as it was bitter for her
#veganisnotscary #matcha #coffeecreamer #palmoilfree #kosher #tetrapak #plantbased #dairyfree


Welp, this is a tough review to make. Usually the tough ones are for

products from vegan companies that need improvement. (It is hard to be critical of vegan companies but it is important to give feedback!). This is quite the opposite - a product from a non-vegan company that is incredible….but unfortunately has already been discontinued 😩

We’ve continued to have pretty chilly mornings lately so I’m still on my hot morning coffee game. I thought it was odd that I couldn’t find my fave Chobani creamers anywhere and then realized this is because they’ve been discontinued 😭😭😭. Fortunately for me I found a bottle of my fave caramel creamer as well as this sweet and creamy version at Grocery Outlet.

This creamer is!!! It has an almost marzipan flavor. It’s very sweet, and creamy just as advertised. It’s definitely for the #sweettooth crew. It feels so indulgent but it’s certainly better for the wallet than a coffeehouse latte.

I’m just so disappointed that Chobani discontinued their vegan yogurts and now vegan creamers as they were both so so so good.

Capitalism is NOT the key to animal liberation but it’s still disappointing to see that a non-vegan company created some amazing vegan options and ended up discontinuing them due to lack of sales.


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