gazpacho tradicional

by Chef Select
4.49 (34)
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Gazpacho tradicional is a cold soup that originates from Spain. It is made with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and onions. This vegan and vegetarian-friendly option is a refreshing and zesty choice for a hot summer day. The simple and natural ingredients make it a light meal or side dish. Some reviews mention its authentic taste and satisfaction of taste buds.

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Con un 95 por ciento de verduras, el gazpacho chef select es de los que más me gustan entre los gazpachos preparados. #veganisnotscary


Found this already made Gazpacho at Lidl: that’s when you know you’re actually in Spain 🇪🇸😂

Few and simple ingredients, as it should be: tastes like cucumbers and tomatoes, I had it as a main meal and added some source of proteins inside 🍅🥒

- Two/three portions
- Paper packaging

I preferred slightly more the Gazpacho from Mercadona.

🛒 LIDL (Spain)
#gazpacho #lidl #soup


Este gazpacho de Lidl me chifla, y es perfect cuando falta tiempo para hacerlo casero. Elección económica (1,45€) considerando que está hecho con 95% de hortalizas y 2,6% AOVE! Balance ideal de sabor y textura, y a mi me gusta añadir verduras frescas para dar un toquecito crujiente 😋.

Valorado positivamente por OCU y el cartón es de origen sostenible FSC. #refugiotheanimalacademy #veganisnotscary

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