Post by santuariovegan


Princess is better, she hasn't fallen again and she has much more energy and vitality 🤩🤩🤩

Of course, although she eats very well and finishes her 3 porridge a day, she does not gain any weight. So little by little we will overcome the problems that she is having and we will see how her health evolves.

He is such a special being... he is pure tenderness, with his character, which he shyly lets us know, and his eyes that open when you bring him his porridge, with that illusion that we only maintain in childhood, but that accompanies all animals.

Princess is a sweetheart, but she is so old that you have to be very aware of her. She is not the oldest, since Hypatia is almost 41 years old and Doll is 37 on the way to 38.
But Princesa, with her 36 years and the serious condition in which she arrived, is much more delicate.

Since she arrived, we started with tests and treatments, she faced several diseases that she brought and very serious digestive problems.
She has had constant ups and downs and to this day, everything indicates that she does not recover because in the background she seems to have a tumor in the digestive system.

We are already seeing and following various courses of action. But the one that we have already started for sure is to make her happy. It began when she set foot in the Sanctuary, but now we are going to do it knowing that we are not sure when we will have to say goodbye.

She has Hazel, who needs her, and she has her caretakers who want to make Princess happy.
We just hope that she can get to know the new terrain and run with Hazel through the big new meadows.
Help us achieve it 🙏💚👉

Thank you for being there when we need you.

Princesa está mejor, no se ha vuelto a caer y tiene mucha más energía y vitalidad 🤩🤩🤩

Eso sí, aunque come muy bien y se termina sus 3 papillas diarias, no engorda ni un gramito. Así que poco a poco iremos superando los problemas que vaya teniendo y veremos cómo evoluciona su salud.

Es un ser tan especial… es pura ternura, con su carácter, que muy tímidamente nos va dejando conocer, y sus ojos que se abren cuando le llevas su papilla, con esa ilusión que solo mantenemos en la niñez, pero que acompaña a todos los animales.

Princesa es un amor, pero es tan mayor que hay que estar muy pendientes de ella. No es la más anciana, ya que Hipatia tiene casi 41 años y Muñeca 37 camino de los 38.
Pero Princesa, con sus 36 años y el grave estado en que llegó, es mucho más delicada.

Desde que llegó empezamos con pruebas y tratamientos, afrontando varias enfermedades que traía y problemas digestivos muy serios.
Ha tenido altibajos constantes y a día de hoy, todo apunta a que no se recupera porque de fondo parece tener un tumor en el digestivo.

Estamos viendo y siguiendo ya varias vías de acción. Pero la que es seguro que ya hemos empezado es la de hacer que sea feliz. Se inició cuando puso un pie en el Santuario, pero ahora vamos a hacerlo sabiendo que no tenemos la certeza de cuándo tendremos que decirle adiós.

Tiene a Avellano, que la necesita, y tiene a sus cuidadores que desean hacer que Princesa sea feliz.
Solo esperamos que pueda conocer el nuevo terreno y correr con Avellano por los nuevos y grandes prados.
Ayúdanos a conseguirlo🙏💚👉

🙏 Gracias por estar ahí cuando te necesitamos.

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animalsvoices Mucha fuerza, Princesa. ❤🐎4 likesReply
veganadam Glad to hear she is doing better. 😀❤️3 likesReply
tamiapple Precious girl 💕2 likesReply
animaladvocat So glad she is doing better. The power of your love for her makes her stronger. 🙏🏻💟☮️🐾🌱1 likeReply
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