Post by abillion

No budget to hire supermodels 🙈 abillion tries Miomojo! Looking for a beautiful, but sustainable handbag or backpack made out of the most innovative materials? 👜😲 Look no further than Miomojo! Materials such as plastic bottles, apples, cactus and fish nets go into the production of these #crueltyfree and #sustainable bags. Dorra, Filipe and Tina took these beauties out for a spin around town. Milan-based Miomojo is where Ethics meet Aesthetics. Check out all of their reviews right here on abillion!

unclerobert I need this for Xmas! Hello Santa 🎅 8 likesReply
ravi-gopalan Cheers to our own #supermodelsofabillion8 likesReply
ravi-gopalan And to the amazing creative team7 likesReply
peter-plant-power I don't understand why the hashtag #unsustainable is used here on abillion ... 🤔 Maybe I miss a pun but isn't our world today in need of sustainable economic activities ? That sustain our planet long term ???
Can anyone explain?2 likesReply
abillion Hi Peter! This was a mishap on our part, sorry 🙏 these bags are definitely #sustainable and the brand is doing amazing work to offer great alternatives to leather 💚1 likeReply
peter-plant-power Oh great! Thanks for responding. By the way, the hashtag #unsustainable is also listed amongst the suggested hashtags when posting a review here on abillion. That contributed to my confusion. I figure that was also a mishap maybe? Could that be corrected? I mean, it would be more useful to have #sustainable listed as one of the preferred hashtags, no? Have a nice day! 🙏1 likeReply
katchan Oh been looking for a nice vegan bag. :)4 likesReply
berryveganplanet Love these! Very cool bags! 💚🌱3 likesReply
fulfilling The abillion staff are good models for the bag. In fact, how many of the people who purchase are supermodel? The customers who purchase are folks like abillion. The video is perfect! @abillion10 6 likesReply
cinnamonbun Love these2 likesReply
filipeguerreiro Would be cool if we can get these listed on the marketplace. I'd get one2 likesReply
yumi My favorite bags are from Miomojo! I get so many compliments. If you haven’t checked them out yet, what are you waiting for?!?2 likesReply
vforvegan Love this !! 💯💯💯2 likesReply
jenniemir Ohhh, what a great post! I have been wanting to change out my handbag and purse as I’m slowly transitioning to a life that is eco friendly and vegan. Thank you 🌱3 likesReply
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