Post by abillion

BREAKING: Research proves that pigs love music as much as we do! A new study has found that pigs respond to music similar to how humans would. Berardo de Jesús Rodríguez, a veterinarian and musician at the University of Antioquia, composed 16 pieces of music that were either consonant or dissonant. To humans, consonant music usually sounds smooth and comforting, whereas dissonant music jarring.

The research team then monitored and filmed six litters of 10 to 12 piglets listening to the music through a speaker at a university pig farm. Consonant music caused the pigs to experience positive emotions, whereas dissonant music caused negative emotions, as seen in the video. If this doesn’t prove that pigs can express the same feelings as us, we don’t know what will.

Abolish #factoryfarming so that pigs can groove to Spotify like we do 🎶 #govegan

#abillion #findyourimpact

flouredfingers Just read that yesterday in "This is vegan propaganda", amazing! 🐷5 likesReply
danielgl Isnt the book amazing? A game-changer!3 likesReply
flouredfingers It is! I just wish more non-vegan people will be willing to read it..3 likesReply
ethicallybasedexomni It's absolutely amazing! Ed Winters is a wonderful animal rights activist and I've even learned a few new horrifying facts through his book. It's definitely a read I'd recommend to any animal advocates, no matter how long they've been vegan! 4 likesReply
vegronica I've preordered from my bookstore but they've told me it's delayed here until June, I'm so disappointed! Reply
drteetee I’m not sure how to feel about a “university pig farm”. 11 likesReply
ethicallybasedexomni It's soooooo tragic all the experiments and tests humans have performed on sentient beings throughout our history just to prove to ourselves that they're capable of feeling, emotions, and other traits we also possess 😢😞11 likesReply
whatthefuck I’m crying 😭 omg poor amazing creatures I love love love pigs 😔😔😔😔😔4 likesReply
oddish Poor babes3 likesReply
cosmeacosmos My heart is breaking. They are so innocent and still some humans think it’s justified to kill them.💔2 likesReply
thedawnofthevegans I think that a truly advanced society does not exploit other animals and works very hard at minimizing damages to the environment. I say minimizing because, although some of us are very conscious and careful, we still have an impact.
This research helps to point out what humans already know in their heart, but are too selfish to accept it in their minds.2 likesReply
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