Review of Spicy and Sour Shredded Potato at 成都Chengdu by m1tch9i

photo of 成都Chengdu Spicy and Sour Shredded Potato shared by @m1tch9i on  15 Sep 2022 - review

I’ll admit it was a little funny to me that after sampling a chilled #spicy cucumber thing, I found myself sampling a chilled spicy potato thing 😂

However, these #potatoes have a soury tinge… as advertised 👏 It’s vinegary. It’s spicy. It’s shredded and potentially also
blanched but it ain’t bad at all. Callback to last review 👉

$11.80 for the portion seems feeble at first. I only then realised, it was worth it in how it fills you 👌

It’s tasty but I’d find it too filling with how much water it holds 😛


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