wellington vegan

4.65 (4)

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This was so good!! Not properly a summer dish, but I enjoyed every single bite.

This is a #vegetarian restaurant in #Verona which of course offers many vegan options.
The Wellington was filled with peas, smoked #tofu and vegetables, but it tasted very particular, meaty almost, and it was served with this crazy good #onion gravy with side #potatoes and eggplants.

#madeinitaly #veganitaliansummer

The wellington was filled with a mixture of peas and smoked tofu and served with

a side of aubergine and a very nice “gravy”. It tasted delicious and was altogether more light and summery than I would have expected from the dish. I like the restaurant a lot and try to eat there at least once Webtutorials time I’m in town.

Wellington vegano con piselli, tofu affumicato e verdure di stagione ricoperte da pasta sfoglia, servita

con gravy di cipolle e contorno di verdure croccanti e zest di agrumi (15 euro).
La presentazione e il gusto nel complesso mi hanno davvero molto soddisfatta, per i prezzo però mi aspettavo una porzione un po’ più abbondante.

Uno strato di pasta sfoglia racchiude un ripieno di piselli, tofu affumicato e verdure di

stagione, aromatizzato con zest di arancia e servito con una crema di cipolle e verdure di contorno (carote e melanzana grigliata).
L'insieme è molto buono e gustoso

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