Make Your Own

  • Is Make Your Own vegan? Yes! Make Your Own is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.50 (34)

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Favourite salad shop. Got the small human size for 9sgd. Love the thai glass noodles,

corns and tofu protein ingredients. Had it topped with pesto dressing #veganin2020

Vegetarian #MYO bowl comprising tofu, beetroot hummus, ginger soba and brown rice. This was ordered

through Just Dabao which helps to reduce food waste as well! $5 for the entire bowl :")


the salad shop is my new favourite place to get salad 😍 generous portions, lots

of variety for toppings and 50 cents off if you BYO regardless if you takeaway or dine in! i got the vegman DIY option for $9.50 (originally $10 but BYO discount) which allows you to pick 3 cold and 3 warm toppings in addition to a base, a garnish and a dressing. love the beetroot hummus, and they gave a nice BIG scoop! my cold toppings: thai papaya salad (sour and spicy, pretty nice imo), pickled tomato (tasted like normal cherry tomatoes), and beetroot hummus. my warm toppings: roasted broccoli, turmeric cauliflower (both nicely done, not too heavily seasoned) and baked carrot (very normal, wouldn't get it again). love that they offer quinoa as a plant-based protein option for the base! overall, value for money and yummy #crf

No matter rain or shine, I would always enjoy my salads because it's so versatile

now. I can always customise to my own liking or even having it warm! Featuring one of my favourite salad places at a reasonable price. I liked how they display vegan friendly dishes in their menu! I got the small human feed this time - mixture of quinoa and broccoli florets as the base, beetroot hummus (must try!), Curried cauliflower, mushrooms as side and a veggie patty as choice of protein, super seeds as topping with a dallop of their signature chilli! Plus point is that they are extremely generous with their portions here (as you can see the base is covered by the sides!) This is my first time trying their veggie patty and it was awesome. I can't figure out what was in it but it was really well cooked to perfection. The hummus of course is still my favourite and definitely a must-get side for me each time I visit this. Really glad to see that they still maintained their standard since the last time I visited! (Long before COVID) #veganisnotscary

14/30: Chose quinoa as base, beetroot hummus ❤️, baked carrot, broccoli, baked tofu and topped

with mixed seeds and pesto dressing. Super yums! $9 #veganisnotscary

The Salad Shop (not to be confused with SaladStop!) is another one of my top

3 fav grain bowls! Huge portions and comes with choices of both cold and warm sides. Yes, huge dollop of beetroot hummus was hidden. I almost could not finish this bowl! #crf

got the vegman portion where you can choose 3 cold and 3 hot toppings :-D

(actually you can mix and match, as long as the total number of toppings is 6). they were out of quite a lot of the roasted veggie toppings that i wanted though. but the giant portion definitely made up for it!!! brought my own container and they filled it to the brim (doesn't look like it bc my container is HUGE 😂). definitely one of the most value-for-money salad places in sg! #crf

Ingredients: Tofu, brown rice, glass noodles, beetroot hummus, curried cauliflower, signature chilli and garlic chips


beetroot hummus is a must get as the portion is always generous and tasty :) The glass noodles are flavourful on their own, and the tofu went well with the chilli.

Always looking forward to get their eggplant but it's always sold out by late afternoon 😭

Total: $9.30 after 50c off from BYOB

Brown rice, chaat, char siew eggplant, egg white spinach, vegan patty and signature chilli +

garlic chips

Not usually a fan of eggplant but this was my favourite item in the bowl! decent portion size and the chilli rly packs a punch

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