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4.52 (5)

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I realised the only dish I’ve ordered repeatedly at Shu Vegetarian is this.

#Mala Xiang

Guo is a #spicy dish originating from the Sichuan province in China. Ma means ‘numbing’, and La means ‘spicy’, which immediately tells you what to expect from this dish. The numbing sensation comes from #Sichuan #pinkpeppercorn; it leaves your tongue tingly and numbed, to the unaware might think they’ve eaten poison 🥵🤣. Coupled with extreme levels of #spiciness, it increases your serotonin levels as you eat this dish with the ingredients you chose, leaving you to wanting more of this torture 🤤

10/10 experience always, except for the bathroom trip the day after 💩.

I’ve successfully converted many of my friends to come over to the ~dark side~ but if you’re hesitant because you can’t eat spicy foods, do not worry as Shu Vegetarian can customise the spice and numbness level accordingly 😉

this huge bowl was $21.80 and I used an oven casserole bcos fk plastic!!!!!!!

A decent mala! Got tofu, beancurd strips, mushrooms, lotus root, broccoli, noodles and a mock

meat seaweed thing (?) We chose the least spicy level since my mom can’t handle spice very well. It wasn’t too numbing or spicy but the mock meat thing has a strange mushy texture so I wouldn’t recommend getting that.

💸: $11.90

Ordered 微辣 this time round and the spiciness level is perfect for me. I enjoyed

this dish without sweating or rushing to drink water 😂 did not try other dishes from this stall before, we just kept coming back for mala! 🤪

I don't normally eat mala cos there's not much veg stalls who offer it +

I don't really take spicy. But this is good! Taste good although the 小辣 is pretty spicy 😂😂

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