Chickless sandwich

  • Is Chickless sandwich vegan? Yes! Chickless sandwich is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.27 (12)

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Most helpful reviews

This was sooo good! And not too badly priced either😌 Not sure what the chicken

substitute was but it was pretty close to the real thing.🤷🏼‍♀️ Most of the packaging was cardboard, with just the window being plastic; much better than the plastic casings one finds everywhere else nowadays.

#Greyton #veganin2020

The chickless sandwich had a very generous filling of chicken substitute in vegan mayo with

crispy lettuce. The rye, wheat bread was a little dry but it's good to be able to pick up a vegan sandwich on the go #greyton

Tried this sandwich today at Peregrines. Good filling portion and tasty so worth a try

if their pies aren't your thing :) #pigsnpaws

This was good with a warm latte on a winters morning.

I liked the mayo they

used here and the bread was okay but cold as it's kept in the fridge.

Absolutely delicious! Will buy again. So awesome vegans can have a chicken mayo sandwich.

Lovely chickie mayo on rye, would have been next level toasted! In winter I’d prefer

the pies, but a nice change and very tasty.

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