Penang Char Kway Teow

  • Is Penang Char Kway Teow vegan? Yes! Penang Char Kway Teow is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.31 (14)

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Most helpful reviews

The Family thoroughly loved this beaut of a dish. Absolutely well done. You can specify

spice preference, and Be sure to ask them to exclude eggs, although they will usually confirm this with you. Goes well with any of the sides on offer.
Leaf corner is a vegetarian restaurant in Tai Seng. It is in the corner of the building too. Really yummy food. Eggs and dairy might be present in some of the dishes, and frankly they could have labelled these more clearly, but let them know your vegan preferences and they’ll help make your meal cruelty-free. Staff are lovely and helpful. Great place for family dinners.

make sure to order this w/o egg!! this is one of the best char kway

teows i have ever eaten and its rly tasty! do support leaf corner which has just opened its second outlet at irving place!

Nice dish with wok hey.
You can request for vegan version too.
Rice noodles

are a staple part of Asian diet and char kway teow is part of this rich and versatile hawker style cuisines.

Excellent Penang style char kway teow with the wok hei taste

Decent char kway teow
Grab some green Chilli if u like
Rmemeber to ask for no

egg if u vegan

Had to try given a whole menu page dedicated to this dish originating from Penang

(🏝 in Malaysia). They've got the baby rice noodles exactly down pat 😍

Not a CKT fan because of the sheer amt of grease but this delivers with minimal damage to arteries 👍

Lots of wok-hei and fire in this. Simply yummy. Do remind staff - no eggs

for vegans.

You find this wok hei taste in other place
Super delicious
Not too oily
You can let the

staff know if you not eating egg

They promised wok-hei in this & it’s delivered without fail. Big portion.

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