• Is Creme Brulee vegan? Yes! Creme Brulee is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.40 (11)

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Una creme brûlée vegana a Parigi..? Un sogno!! Consiglio caldamente di andare in questo ristorante

che rivisita la cucina francese in chiave vegana. Il personale educatissimo e cordiale, il luogo accogliente e ben curato, non si potrebbe chiedere di meglio! Purtroppo non ho fotografato tutta la cena ma era tutto squisito! Questo dessert è stato preparato a regola d’arte, l’unico difetto è che si divora in due secondi per quanto è buono. Non so se e quando tornerò a Parigi ma sicuramente se dovessi tornare questo locale sarà una tappa obbligata! #veganisnotscary #parisvegan #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet

Una creme brulée perfetta, vanigliata ed arricchita dal profumo delle albicocche.

Really love that they have vegan crème brûlée! I was super excited to have this.

But the texture is very different from the original. It was good but a little too thick for my taste.

Exquisite vegan crème brûlée better than any I have ever had before.

I was very surprised how good it was, it is my favourite dessert of this


This dish was exactly like non-vegan creme brulee. It had a delicious creamy centre and

a caremalised toffee coating. The restaurant is famed for its veganised traditional French cuisine which is a difficult cuisine to alter and their take on a creme brulee certainly did not disappoint. For those who have not tried creme brulee before please note that it is a little bitter due to the burnt toffee upper coating.

Waouh, very authentic taste ! It is perfect to finish a pleasing meal! I love

that restaurant

Looked so similar to the traditional one. I didn’t get crazy about it but my

boyfriend fell in love with it so it’s up to you guys 🤷🏼‍♀️

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