• Is Tiramisu vegan? Yes! Tiramisu is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.56 (10)

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Most helpful reviews

Questa pizzeria a Berlino è gestita da un napoletano e si sente...un impasto così buono

l'avevo mangiato solo a Napoli.
La pizzeria propone solo antipasti, primi, pizze, bruschette, calzoni e dolci vegani.
Il tiramisù era ottimo, il caffè si sentiva bene come piace a me.

It really doesnt make you miss the original tiramisu from your italian moms

My friend even dared to order a tiramisù after all that pizza because he had

never had a vegan one and he was curious to try it. He liked it but honestly I've had better vegan tiramisù in Italy, this one didn't taste like coffee very much. Not bad but at all but I would try something else next time! But at least it was very cheap 😻
💸 €3,50
#veganinberlin #veganisnotscary [87/90]

The best tiramisu in Berlin!
So many layers with homemade biscuit, espresso, vanilla cream and

cocoa powder
The price was 6€.

I was looking forward for the desert part because I really wanted to eat tiramisu.

It did not disappoint, incredible layers, you could feel the coffee, chocolate and vanilla cream flavor. Absolutely delicious. The price was 5,50€.

absolutely tasty and good. i shared it with a friend of mine who's not vegan

and she fell also in love with it. the texture is probably a bit different from the "real" tiramisu, but i recommend it to everyone.

3,50€ a really yummy Tiramisu, but nothing I'd travel far for. The cream tastes like

the whipped cream you can buy at the shop, easy to recreate at home

La foto non rende, ma è buonissimo, erano anni che non mangiavo un tiramisù. Attenzione

crea dipendenza!

Veganes Tiramisu, wow! Süss und superlecker. Wirklich super gemacht.

Non perfetto, ho mangiato tiramisù migliori.. ma buono lo stesso.

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