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Most helpful reviews

always end up getting this same dish when I visit elemen despite telling myself I’ll

get something else the next time, because this really is so good. rice is extremely fragrant! love how they added chickpeas into it. tofu this time looks slightly more charred though.

the overall presentation was pleasing to one’s eyes and the taste was just amazing

Mad creativity here with the blue pea tofu and steamed rice in bamboo! @junhaochanjh thinks

the rice tastes like pulut hitam 😂 I would say props for uniqueness and 100% the kind of place u would bring parents for a healthier meal, but not somewhere I’d go regularly becos servings a lil sm0l for me 👅👀 #abillionturns3

I decided to get this dish because it sounded so interesting and different. It ended

up being not that great as it was a tad bit under-seasoned for my liking. The flavours were all there but it fell a little flat so it definitely needed some salt. The blue pea tofu wasn’t great either. The skin was a bit hard making it difficult to cut the tofu into smaller pieces. I also really dislike the combination of crispy tofu skin with a very soft centre. It just doesn’t go well together. Overall, it was a very okay dish but big points for creativity.


Tofu is bluish as it is butterfly pea flower-infused. Slightly crisp on the outside and

silky soft inside. Also enjoyed the rice which tasted both flavourful and healthy. Contained carrot, huayshan, chickpea & black fungus.

Not bad! The truffle taste was not strong at all but the multi grain wild

rice was delicious. The blue flower tofu was cooked perfectly and pretty good. The salad has no dressing which is plain compared to the meal.

Got this dish cause most of their other mains were not vegan, and how could

I say no to a blue tofu which was really what stole the show here! Rice tasted like much health!

The taste is very good. It’s a great idea to combine traditional sticky rice with


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