Revitalising Mix Fruit Vegetables and Salad

  • Is Revitalising Mix Fruit Vegetables and Salad vegan? Yes! Revitalising Mix Fruit Vegetables and Salad is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

🥗🍓 The revitalizing mix fruit vegetables and salad is a refreshing dish that combines crisp lettuce, juicy apple slices, and an assortment of colorful fruits. The sweet and tangy blueberry dressing adds a delightful flavor to the mix. This dish is perfect for anyone looking to add some zest to their meal.

4.50 (14)

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💟 This revitalizing fruits and vegetables salad is artistically presented. It looks absolutely eye catching

and pleasing. The refreshing housemade blueberry dressing is the soul of this dish; it uplifts our mood instantly. The serving portion of the salad is not much, but it's alright as it's merely part of our set meal. This salad indeed lives up to its name and it has certainly revitalized us!!! 😃

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This salad looks really pretty and taste great if you have a sweet tooth. The

sauce is too sweet for my liking I was wondering how to eat my veggies with less sauce but it's hard cause they spread it across the whole plate contain lettuce I think, pineapple, apple, watermelon with sprinkle of walnut and raisin.
Not so sure if the smear on the edge is deliberate or accident 😅
#veganisnotscary #salad #pretty

I think my favourIte dish from dinner.
First thing’s first. This should be a dessert item.

I know it’s a salad but after eating it, I could imagine a whole dessert menu curated around dishes like this.
Great fruit and vegetable choices, everything seemed fresh and the sauce stole my heart.
Lettuce, watermelon, candied walnuts and the blueberry dressing, I remember those the most.
I ate every last bit and once I was done it felt like dinner hadngo be over because I just had dessert. Maybe that’s an option for next time!
#salad #sweet

Sufood 舒果 🍎 |
Eating less meat is the best way to keep your

body, and our planet, healthy and happy.
Fuel your body and mind with nutritious food. Your daily nutrition forms your foundation. Nourish yourself with the benefits of a nutrient dense - not artificial flavourings or additives.
Revitalizing Fruits 🍎🍇🍉🍍 & Vegetable 🌱 Salad 🥗
Their creamy blueberry dressing is made from real fresh blueberries, it’s not only delicious but also high in fibre, vitamins and antioxidants 😋


SO GOOD omg we wiped the plate clean of that blueberry sauce and even bought

a jar of it home LOL the fruits and veggies were super fresh and crisp! really loved the addition of raisins and walnuts which gave it another textural dimension hoho. the blueberry sauce was the real mvp like it was a little sweet but also had this very nice tang at the back. nothing like I’ve ever had and it’s so good 10/10

Has a mixed berry sauce that is quite unique and tasty. My adventurous aunt tried

it too and really liked the sauce! We all love the pairing of veggies with nuts and blueberries.

Hailing from Taiwan, this vegetarian restaurant offers variety of dishes from salads to their 8

course meal. Not very budget friendly but taste wise perfect💯✨!
Can go once and try their dishes.

Salad dish of the 4-course menu. Love the sweet creamy blueberry sauce! Very refreshing and

yes, it's more like a dessert than salad. Must-order!

very refreshing with lots and lots of fruit! the blueberry sauce was a bit too

sweet though. loved the addition of walnuts for cronch

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