does have the taste of donut.
2 cookies have 1 gram protein, 1 gram fiber, 4 grams total fat (zero saturated), 6 grams added sugar. #SnackSunday
supposed to be made with a vanilla bean frap + hazelnut syrup + almond syrup with no whip. they didn't have almond syrup so i tried almond milk to replace it. added almond extract at home. #NationalCakeDay
a 12 oz bottle has 20 grams protein, 1 gram fiber, 1 gram saturated fat, 9 grams added sugar, 60% dV Phosphorus, 45% Calcium, 15% Potassium & Iron, 75 mg Caffeine. #SulfurSaturday
the brand makes me sing "ayo ayo" from the song "Walk Like An Egyptian". a container has 4 grams protein, 6 grams fiber 😀, 1 gram saturated fat, 10 grams added sugar. #YogurtThursday #NutgurtThursday
got this most expensive ice cream i've seen ($13.39 per pint!) for #NationalEspressoDay. strong flavor. one of the reasons for the price is the grapeseed oil in it. the only organic ingredient is the sugar. 2/3 cup has more
i like that this is partly sweetened with stevia to reduce added sugar calories. the chile also makes this more enjoyable. #BoozeTuesday 🍹
one tamale has 7 grams protein, 10 grams fiber (nice!), 1 gram saturated fat, 530 mg Sodium (too much), 10% dV Iron. #TamaleTuesday
8 oz has 100% dV Vitamin C, 6% Potassium. #JuiceTuesday
2 tbsp has 6 grams protein, 2 grams fiber, 3 grams saturated fat, 4 grams added sugar, 15% dV Iron. #SunflowerSunday
one of these biscuits produced in Cyprus has 5 grams protein, 4 grams fiber, 5 grams saturated fat, 6 grams added sugar.
package says the palm oil in it is sustainable. #SnackSunday